Why? 2000s had standards like living sludge, rock with arms, and living pokeball. This seems to match that standard to me.
Why? 2000s had standards like living sludge, rock with arms, and living pokeball. This seems to match that standard to me.
Size is only part of the problem, the problem is that of the 1000+ planets in the game only like 10 are worth landing on (outside of quests) and only like 10% of those 10 planets are worth exploring. Every thing else is empty space with a few random from pool of like 20 landmarks spread around them. Even if the game…
FYI Reload includes all the improvement of FES plus a bunch more modern QoL. The only thing not included is “The: Answer”, which IMO is not worth playing anyways.
Not a bad idea to wait though. I’m pretty certain this version will be the definitive way to experience the main story but the pricing it just isn’t good.
That was true before the threats. As soon as you threaten sabotage you are 100% in the wrong no matter what happened before. Nothing with malware purposely built in deserves support ever.
I’ve tried using it a couple times and I find it a bit underwhelming compared to some other games. It’s missing a few options that made a couple pictures I tried to take just not work. Like why can’t I change my character’s expression? There is a couple fun poses but they just fall flat when my character is locked…
At $120 Premium it was already hard to justify. At $160 it makes pretty much anyone that pays for it a straight up idiot. It pretty much only adds Classics. For $160 you can likely just buy all the ones you want and keep them instead.
They both looked cool up to the point that I realized that they they both feature predatory gatcha money pit bullshit. I hate that every game of this style coming out now can’t just be a regular game anymore.
None at all. It’s not even technically overclocked. The Switch’s SOC is actually significantly underclocked by default to help with battery life. This is actually just removing Nintendo’s underclock rather than actually overclocking it.
But it’s not spending time getting better. It’s just wasting time instead of actually practicing. It’s like if in baseball you had to for some reason spend hours/days waiting for your bat and glove to get built instead of just using/buying identical already made ones. Either way you end up with the same equipment.
It even has local co-op/split-screen. Me and my wife play it with 2 controllers on a 65inch TV.
It’s likely both Sony and Microsoft was to blame at some point. But it’s confirmed Microsoft was the original cause. The interview quote by Yoshida (included in this article) says in 2013 it was specifically MS that wouldn’t allow cross play. Which checks out because MS was pushing for a very closed ecosystem for Xbox…
That only applies if the game need a 3rd party mod launcher, same as on any other PC. Sometimes they can be a pain to get working in Linux but most cases they work fine.
Steam workshop on the other hand works the same on the Steam Deck as it does on any other PC, it doesn’t require anything extra. The Steam Deck is…
There is no such thing as a “Steam Deck game”. The Steam Deck is a just a PC. It runs the same PC versions as any other PC. All normal Steam functions operate the same on a Steam Deck. Yes workshop is full accessible and functional.
If you look at the games they did that with it only really applies to Western developed games they publish. For their in-house developed stuff numbers seem to not matter to them. They almost always count them as a success. They have already publicly said they count FFXVI as a success.
I think you are really stretching the deffinition of “scam”. A scam has to actually trick money out of people to be a scam. This isn’t doing that at all. Even if you consider it promoting NFTs, it’s pretty bad at it IMO. There is no way the average person would even make the connection without already knowing what the…
I’ve seen a few people say this but I’m really not seeing a scam part of this scam. Can you explain maybe?
Not seeing how that’s relevant.. Epic’s store is only on PC which doesn’t normally get physical releases anyways. Why would that effect console physical copies? Even Fortnite has physical versions on console.
You can make your own dedicated Vanilla server on PC for only you and friends which solves the hacking issue entirely.
Oh no, it’s definitely more of a Monopoly, well useless they release them on Steam too, which MS has been doing with their 1st party games lately. Just saying Microsoft can use this point specifically to argue the other side. Blizzard games currently being monopolized on one launcher is an easy point for a lawyer to…
CoD is the most obvious case but yanking, say, all the Blizzard games off of Steam, Epic, etc.