
I know what it is referencing.. I just think this is far less attractive than just making a figure of the actual crystal or a character. This is just a cube. If it was functional it would make sense, but it’s not.

But why? A sculpture of literally anything else FFXIV related would make more sense than a fake console with an extra logo... It’s just a blue box lol.

The Nathan Drake Collection are 100% ports. The PS4 is nowhere near powerful enough to emulate PS3, that’s the whole reason PS4 has no PS3 backcompat. There is no reason that collection can’t be on PC, PS4 to PC porting is relatively simple compared to older generations.

It’s not. They are saying that the Xbox version will just be more discs compared to PS5. My guess is because they essentially need 2 versions of the game (or at least the textures and some assets) on the disc for the Xboxs. There is already evidence of Xbox discs only having either the S or X version on the disc and

They don’t in the movie. It’s not even really a battle per say, but in the prequel (to the movie) novel “On the Way to a Smile” Aerith is aware and actively tries to stop Sephiroth from doing malice while in the Lifestream. It does heavy hint at that things like what happened in Remake will happen too.

It doesn’t play like any of the other mainline game, was released outside of the normal release schedule (same year as Scarlet/Violet) and doesn’t follow any of the normal format or have all the features of a mainline Pokemon. Doesn’t matter who developed it, it’s a spin-off.

They normally only do one 3D Mario per generation. N64 had Mario 64, Gamecube had Sunshine, Wii was the only exception with Galaxy 1+2, but then they skipped Wii U entirely. Odyssey is still the latest 3D mario, but I wouldn’t expect another this generation based their normal habits.

If they announce a spin-off I’m certain it will be much higher quality than Scarlet/Violet. Pokemon is the only franchise I’ve seen that the spin-offs are oddly consistently better quality than the main series. Look at Aceus, New Pokemon Snap or Pokken, all excellent in comparison to the recent main games.

That’s the sad part, they have already made proper use of PS5. It’s architecture is pretty much just PS4 Pro but better. It’s the reason we have so much cross gen this time. It’s barely any more effort to just develop for both so why not just release on both and sell more? Look at the actual PS5 titles we recently

I wasn’t talking about the end of the generation I’m talking about the overlap of generations, the average lately has been the new generation is introduced about 6 or 7 years into the current gen. It always takes at least a couple more years for the last gen to die after the new one is induced. Go look at the launch

I find it odd how this surprises people. Even if it had a bit of a slow start the console still turns 4 this year. I think it would be far weirder if Sony wasn’t gearing up for the next system at this point. Most consoles have their next iteration come out about 6 years into their lifecycle. That means PS6 was more

it just felt super janky in graphics mode and kinda made me feel ill.

Not sure how true it is but I’ve heard the Kingdom Hearts PC ports were entirely funded by Epic. If that is the case then they probably never will come to Steam.

Noticed that shortly after I posted. An ad was covering that part of the article when I was on my phone. Didn’t see a way to delete comments.

Right? I bring this sometimes when people bring up the AAA battery argument and they always seem dumbfounded. Plugging in an easily accessible cord I already keep there anyways for other devices is far less annoying than having to get and fiddle with replaceable batteries mid session IMO.

Just saying C$89.99 is the normal price for a Dual Sense in Canada. That's not a price increase. 

Yo just a tip. You can just use a phone charger connected to the wall near you and it will still work wireless connected to console. No need to get a long cable that connects directly to the console.

It’s had 0 support at all this year. Not even life support. They fully unplugged the machine in 2022 lol.

I can see that if you are playing every spin-off. But if you only count mainline games there have been only 2 entries in almost 8 years (P5 and SMTV). 3 If you count Soul Hackers 2.

The article uses the correct spelling “Metaphor: ReFantazio”.