
Even if they allowed it you wouldn’t want games playing off the disc anyways. A big game like this would have like 2 minutes load times when changing areas instead of the almost instant like PS5. You would also have far worse texture pop-in and loading issues. Discs are REALLY slow in-comparison to SSD.

Ryzen 5800X. I’m fine.

I actually was planning on playing this on my Series X but not now. I’d much rather sacrifice fidelity for fps unlike Bethesda for a game like this. Only way I play it on Xbox now is if my PC actually can’t hold 60 at low settings, which I doubt. My GPU (GTX 1080) is old but I’ve still not found a game it can’t pull

What? The Series S has about 360GB of usable storage. Two Blu-rays are nowhere near that size.

Yup. It’s an online game. I don’t think there is any corporation that would keep dumping money into servers for a product they literally can’t make any more money on. I’d count yourself lucky they even give you an extra year.
Hopefully modders can get unofficial servers going.

Because pirate streaming websites are still filled with obstructive ads, sketchy & fake links, pop-ups, terrible navigation, bad players, bad subtitles and on top of it all still more often then not poor quality rips.
Running your own server is easy and lets not deal with any of that and lets you have easier access on

Weird timing when they are on the decline now. Honestly surprised they didn’t do it at the rise of NFTs, would have been a no effort massive profit for The Pokemon Company. Seemed like something TPC would have jumped on quicker to me.

“Forsaken”? I’m assuming you guys are talking about “Forspoken”?
Unless one if you is actually talking about this game

It’s arguable. PC is technically the most complete version because it includes both the DS content and the CGI cutscenes from the PS1 version. Many fans don’t care for those though, they weren’t that great. It also includes the newer translation which people are also split on. Neither are bad it’s just preference,

Why? Chrono Trigger is already on PC. Since they patched it it’s actually a good way to play it. You can also already mod it too. Seems like a waste of effort on a game already available and customizable.

If you have the original releases please don’t ever play these versions. You can install the definitive edition project (unfortunate name they chose before the new versions were announced) mod pack and they run, play and IMO look better than the official “Definitive Editions”. It’s literally as easy as drag and

This still has the same problem that pretty much all Japanese 3D has for me. They are rendering it at too low FPS. With traditional animation you can get away with animating at 15 or lower FPS, but with 3D it makes it look like it’s constantly stuttering. It’s crazy to me because it’s not even extra work to fix it, you

The delivery of the story was best. Almost nothing compared to it’s quality mix of animation, line delivery, mo-cap, characterizations and sound design at the time. Not really the case anymore IMO.
The story itself is pretty much most common story told in Zombie related media. Zombies happen, certain character is

I still play BeatSaber a couple times a week and occasionally play Rock Band 4.

Why bother mentioning it then?

Just so you know the first two things you listed aren’t bugs. Both are deliberate optimization choices made by Gamefreak. The pop in is due to draw distance settings and the low fps animations a due to animation LOD (Level of Detail) scaling. Both of those things are present almost all games and can help a lot with

OG FF7 wasn’t an exclusivity deal, it’s that PS1 was the only console to use CDs at the time. The game took up too much space to work on a cartridge. It even got ported to PC within a year of launch. SE also just didn’t really port anything during the PS2 era. Some games were only on PS2 and some only on Gamecube

especially Sony or Nintendo who haven’t invested as much in it yet.

How is it a disservice? Tones of official art including books, posters and even some variations of the game’s box art all had “plain-old anime style” art all over them. I honestly don’t know what else you could expect.

They already gave the name reunion too the Crisis Core remaster.