Good question...
Good question...
Ah, right. My bad. Unless you count the rear emergency door as the actual door...
Titanioplast... that sounds like a medical procedure. :P
Hmm, now there's an idea - a Trabant with a 3 cylinder ecoboost...
Wouldn't it be by the A-13 pillar?
True enough. Also, considering the stuff naturally leaches into the local rivers and lakes, and it doesn't seem so bad. I mean, it's there already, not like we made it.
I'm with you on that. I like competitions where engineering can run free. It's pretty hard to break the rules when there aren't any there to break.
Hah, right.
Having worked up there myself, I can certainly see both sides of the coin.
I think the general preferred term is 'oil sands' not 'tar sands'. Not that I actually care, but so I've been told.
It's more likely an issue with quality control and management than quality itself. I suspect companies like Apple that do their manufacturing in China keep very strict limits on tolerances and things like that. These companies more than likely don't have American corporate headquarters breathing down their neck, so…
More like America's pants: It's where all the work is done?
Yeah, it's definitely rendered. Really not that bad looking though.
Microsoft actually does a huge amount of R&D. Sure, they often buy other companies that are doing the initial research, but they do a surprising amount of it themselves.
I noticed that as well. Those better be some darn strong bolts!
Yeah, I don't get it either. Leaving them off would save weight and cost.
Makes me wonder - would Subaru invalidate a warranty if a vehicle was purchased in the US and brought up to Canada?
That being said, I still prefer the looks of the older ones.
That's actually not that bad. Of course up here in Canada, it'll probably end up being much more, despite the dollar being nearly on par.