Valid point, indeed. I suppose Le Mans cars aren't concerned with reliability and durability much beyond 24 hours.
Valid point, indeed. I suppose Le Mans cars aren't concerned with reliability and durability much beyond 24 hours.
Now there's an idea... a diesel Mini wagon...
It'd probably be better than some of the bloat they are making now...
Correction: It's a lot of agony for your man-servant to get them out of the trunk. I suspect people who buy this kind of car probably have one or more man-servants (men-servants?).
... or a rack for holding that freshly killed elephant ivory.
I wonder how much of it is for style, and how much is actually functional. Could a two exhaust system saved weight?
A question that indeed needs answering!
I do wonder though - with ducts to reduce lift on the front end - could changes in some of the body work negate the need for them? Thinking about Le Mans style cars - the really efficient ones don't seem to have a ton of duct work for things like that - it's the shape of the body that does it, saving the extra weight…
I like it. Decent looks, luxury, and good fuel economy. Here's to hoping that they sell a bunch so that in 10 years I can pick one up for a dime.
Very true - especially things like algae. The only problem with using plants for fuel (such as ethanol) is that they potentially take away valuable farmland from growing food crops. I do like the idea of desalinating saltwater and growing algae in the desert though.
How so? Oil isn't going to last forever. Hydrogen might work better, but we still have to produce it somehow (likely by electrolysis of water, which takes huge amounts of electricity). Right now the Model S is the best out there, as far as range goes.
One time in Scouts we urinated on a fire to put it out. Needless to say, the steam in generated was terrible, especially for whoever was downwind.
So it'll be Escalades instead. Same crap, different pile.
Excellent. It'll make saving up for something like a Tesla Model S that much easier...
Then again, that could be a good thing. Get the kids to surround the truck, and use them as human shields?
I suppose if it keeps costs and weight down, and does what it is supposed to do, that's a good thing. It just seems like a car that costs that much should be built a bit more solid. Then again, I can't complain - my car has plastic bumpers.
Ah, that's fine then. It will drive the price up a bit, I imagine.
I wonder if it still has a plastic rear end.
For reference:
This better be #1, or no one has a sense of humour. (That, or they've got Jason Torchinsky tied up in the Jalop bunker and won't let him pick it as #1).