BaconSandwich is tasty.

That's actually not quite as brutal as what I was expecting...

Dare I ask what one goes for?

That makes me think it is a baby Camaro... something about that hood and snout...

Seeing this picture makes me want a Willy's Jeep...

Aye, true enough.

#COTD Nomination...

To quote Wesley from the Princess Bride: "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. "

The only ill I wish upon the diesel Panamera so that I could get one used, at a much lower cost. I still think it would make an amazing road trip vehicle.

Either that, or drive with a properly baffled tank.

I'm hoping for an amphibious pickup myself.

I thought the usual answer was Miata...

How long before some pranksters rip off the "S" and move it to just before "Paceman"?

I'll be honest - I was actually laughing out loud while reading this. Well done indeed.

I can see why he might make a remark about Ferrari. It seems to be the hot thing to do these days.

No kidding. I think that might have Transformers beat for explosion and car wreckage quotient.

No need to. It'll light itself on fire soon enough.


Yeah, he is holding a wheel...

I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering that same thing...

I thought the C-Max Energi was strictly electric?