
I prefer to invert two hotdog buns, and put them on perpendicular to my burger. Like this:|o|. It’s not very easy to eat, and doesn’t taste particularly good, but it does look like a tie fighter, so it has that going for it.

I am astonished you didn’t hack off maybe a quarter of it for yourself before destroying the rest. “Yeah, you want me to turn your portion into beef jerky, fine, but I’m going to enjoy mine.”

BUT SHE’S NOT EVEN A REDHEADED JEWISH WOMAN DRAWN BY J.H.WILLIAMS III HOW CAN SHE PLAY BATWOMAN IT’S IMPOSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They let her come in and read. They thought she was “too Jewish”.

Call her!

Yeah, can’t have a bad actor muddying up the waters on the CW.

How long are people supposed to pretend that Batwoman has an actual fandom and not just a platform to be outraged about?

Yeah, he did have a grudge for years before Trump.

“They seem to be defined more by hate than compassion for victims.”

“but it doesn’t make him a villain.”

You’re right. What makes him a villain is that his selfish actions directly led to the death of half the life in the universe.

Gross, all of you. It could be the greatest pizza in the world, you’re still sitting in fucking Costco. The floors are cement and there’s an old man checking receipts like 20 feet away. Calling that a “food court” is like calling a gas station men’s room a wellness center. Jesus Christ, have some respect for

Probably, cause The Dark Knight is pretty average and Nolan still struggles at directing lucid action scenes.