
Glad to hear it, I loved this game and I’d like to play it again... eventually.

I want Rockstar to remake Body Harvest so badly. It was a good game that was ahead of it’s time. If they remade it now I’m sure it would make a killing!

Kinja is being the worst, here is my edit in case it doesn’t stick.

Um yes. If somebody throws something at you, you’ve been attacked, and should respond.

Jesus Christ, what an absolute asshole. Way to ruin a night promoting a good cause. I mean seriously, a *store-bought* pie?


I mean... I dated a girl for 3 years once, before I realized I hated her.

Really bummed they dropped the Native American angle, that was easily the most interesting aspect of Prey.

Poor song choice but the trailer looks alright.

A clownterpoint if you will...

Is that a giant ass clown-whale, or a giant ass-clown whale?

Mega-Evolution is he turns into Tim Curry from IT.

Popplio might be redeemed by amazing subsequent evolutions, just as Rowlet could be ruined.

Just give me a new current gen Ring of Red already!

Or have learned to inspect and make sure his tires are in good condition? Video games can only teach so much.

The way I see people drive in the rain it’s like they believe hydroplaning is an urban myth or something. This shit is real people.

Pff. Speed runs are old news. The new thing is slow runs. You should check out my video where I play the original Half Life and it takes me 4 hours to get past the tutorial because making the guys splode with my crowbar is just so fun.

Maybe that’s why the game was cancelled?

Is it just me, or are those absolutely the wrong types of shoes to be wearing while wandering around in the woods?