
Best. Dragon. Movie. Ever.

I don’t know where they got a real dragon, but they did.

You realize a lot of people bashing Trump aren’t fond of Hilary either, right?

Oh my goodness the American purples needs to elect him before they steal our MITOCHONDRIA

Trump’s wall protects America from immigrants AND chemtrails.

Yeah but what about chemtrails AM I RITE

is that phil hartman!!! wooooot

Not necessarily. Just set it several generations beyond the TNG era. Hopefully they won’t continue that horrible parody of Star Trek that is Star Trek ‘09.

Please be set in the original timeline! Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please be set in the original timeline!Please

I don’t *like* the idea of Steve dying and Bucky replacing him, mostly because I reflexively dislike following the comics that closely. But I could totally see them playing things out like that, with Steve making a heroic return at the end of Infinity War Pt. 1.

Because the Bible measures stuff in feet, unicorn bladders and Fahrenheit degrees.

My former wife and I used to drink and play this, and it was hilarious. She was really hot, so our gimmick was that if a room full of guys started asking for boob shots (or worse) she'd play along, moving the camera close enough to obscure the picture and potentially be whipping them out, only to re-focus on my balls.

Well, it’s a Fox movie. That’s the Fox Forest. If we’re lucky we might even see the Fox Basement.