
Lego gave 3PO a badass tramp stamp.

I feel like Murdock is wearing what should be Iron Fist’s costume in the elevator.

The fact that he’s feeling confident enough to use his shotgun while there is no clear enemy in range leads me to believe that shotguns are already broken. 

I’d love to see someone’s zesty approach to the Flash.

Trailer was cool, but 2024? They couldn’t have just made it 2044 and made the same movie? 2024 is practically tomorrow.

Reading through the replies, Destiny players really have their own language.

Yep, the milk power was especially gnarly after being consumed. Blood bender-esque.

I thought about this Star Trek game a lot when I was playing LA Noire last gen. They felt like similar games, structurally.

Racing games like Forza and Grand Turismo. They start to feel like work rather than leisure.

I think they’re saying this is a prequel to Man of Steel.

Well, at least the gun on the arm is somewhat reminiscent of the gun on arm from Megatron from my childhood. I’ll take what I can get at this point.

I agree with a lot of what others are saying here. It’s a bummer that Native American elements may have been lost, unless they somehow come back later in the game in some sort of weird twist.

Came here to post the same thing.

Yep. If there isn’t blood then at the very least there should be the hidden blade squish noise.

It’s probably the local hay factory’s largest hay pile.

Probably would make a better cable TV series than movies.

They look like really crappy Halo 5 armor permutations. Or really good ones.

I know of one that existed in 1988 in San Pedro, CA at Port O’Call. Probably were many before it too.

I came here to post the same thing. That game had some pretty unique game mechanics that I haven’t seen done anywhere else.

He should rename his game to Alien Landwaste