
Don't bother. You're right; unfortunately most habitual marijuana users have convinced themselves that not only is their drug some sort of cure-all, legalization will fix all of the trade's problems overnight. They're not going to listen to you, but no one who matters listens to them either, so meh.

Your reasoning is based on the assumption that this isn't weaselly wording meant just to grab attention, which I don't think is safe. I guess we'll see on the eighth.

That', I guess, but is it unlimited everything off of wifi? If there are ceilings in place for calls/texts/data used off of a local wireless connection then this isn't worth it, I'd go Virgin Mobile instead.

good riddance to bad rapists

He saved us from panic, through the magic of high school biology. And I think we all owe him some thanks for that.

The viewability thing is a mighty hefty generalization, especially given that said older folks are for the most part able to deal with looking at an iPhone screen just fine. I don't think they'd have any issues with a 7-inch screen.

+1 on what tasteskindasalty had to say. I do probably 75% of my reading (novels and, yes, comic books) on my telephone. I've never felt frustrated with it. Would a bigger screen be nicer? Maybe. Do I feel deprived from the lack of a bigger screen? Nah.

did the asterisk prevent you from figuring out what the word was

It's just poorly phrased. Rather than "survival rates," "death rates" would have been more appropriate (9% dieoff compared to 2% dieoff is a dieoff rate 4.5 times higher). As for the rest of your questions, the source link is to Ecology, where you can find information on the methodology, as is the case with almost

hope this helps

1) The fact that more serious threats exist does not mean that lesser threats should be ignored, especially given that this lesser threat can be addressed easily by imposing stiffer penalties for being enough of a gaping asshole to harass a pilot with a laser.

"My body fat is 14%, and a male aged 20 to 40. I am not overfat by that metric. I am 6' 2". I weighed 203 this morning."

If you want mass in the extremities you have to actually be straining them and consuming additional calories to put toward growth. The gut is likely a combination of lack of exercise and genetics, with the former being more of a problem than the latter. Start exercising.

Ughhhh I hate this criticism. BMI is fine for ballparking for most people. Fact: If your typical adult has a high BMI it's because they're fat, not because they're of a body type suitable for an NFL defensive lineman or, as in your stated case, an Olympic rower. Most people are not that muscular. Besides that,

Great project, Mat. I hope that you get the results you're after and that others are inspired to do the same. If I may ask: scrolling back through the scale charts, what on earth did you do between 09/14 and 09/30? Because no offense but damn you packed on some extra Mat.

Yeowch. Not feeling those storage limitations. My phone is also my music player, with Subsonic seeing heavy usage. 8GB gets used up quick.

"A lot of people don't like Lossless in general because of how it takes out "unnecessary" data to compress into smaller audio files."

Not equivalent. A luggage rack will often hold multiple pieces of luggage, enabling organization and vertical storage that maximizes use of available floor space. Conversely, this thing holds one bag, with a larger footprint than the bag itself would have if dropped on the floor. It's a really stupid item.

I've seen this argument tossed around before—it's not a new idea. It's not the sun. The sun is comprehensively researched and very easily observed. Any changes that could affect temperatures on earth in the time scale being discussed would have been noted by now. If you want to go the usual path these discussions