
for what it's worth i've been rocking a chrome metropolis for about two years and aside from dings on the buckle and some grime it looks new's not a hacking-type attack

it's supposed to be a reflection of something in the surroundings, i suspect

rape apologist sighted

good riddance to a bad rapist

you're dumb as shit

"We don't need to save 'old growth' or any other kind of growth."

The one real joy in reading ecology articles is watching dimwits come in and bitch about science and history they don't understand and have no interest in learning. Thanks, bud. You are That Guy.

u straight-up dumb as hell, ombwah

"And you know this how, exactly?"

oh so you're saying that not everybody agrees

A fertilized egg isn't a person and the sooner humanity as a whole comes to accept that the better off we'll all be.

It had been a tense evening. I shifted uncomfortably on the couch as the party whirled around me, people celebrating with what sounded to my sober ears like a slightly hysterical edge. A gap in the crowd opened and there she was, a part of it all but somehow apart from it. She threw a smoldering gaze my way and

Doesn't Android already have camera programs with filters...? Why is not having another one a big deal?

commenting just to add my voice to those laughing at you for being too stupid to recognize a joke

They existed. Siri itself was an app available in the market before Apple bought it and made it stock functionality.

flaggin' you as a doll

for our at-home viewers norbs has never posted an actual defense of or justification for internet shitpile xkcd and thus by most measures this type of response can only be regarded as trolling to a far greater extent than my link is