GWS has at least some interesting character development and is a generally fun read
GWS has at least some interesting character development and is a generally fun read
I read Sinfest for several years before I realized that it was awful garbage and that I was a worse person for having spent time on it, so spare me the "WELL YOU JUST DON'T APPRECIATE ITS SUBTLETY," if you'd be so kind
In answer to your initial inquiry, it's a valuable resource which people can employ when they want to know whether they should read xkcd on any given day. I do not maintain or pay for the site; I am merely a fan of its utility.
Haha okay
So let's see: your top three comics are stickfigure bullshit, misogynistic self-insert fantasy, and misogynistic pseudomanga. Forgive me for not holding your opinion in particularly high regard.
The American military needs to be gutted.
oh a dissenting opinion? outrageous. must be a troll #nowaitthatsstupid
I've done so before but yeah sure! The "art" is lazy trash (see also doghousediaries). The writing wobbles variously through tiresome criticism of strawmen, tiresome engineering obscurities ("most people don't understand this" isn't funny by itself), and tiresome observational almost-humor. Like this! There is not…
Great article. Let me add a little food for thought. Maybe you feel reluctant to deal with the older folks in your family when it comes to their computer catastrophes. Your parents—most parents, my dad included—are probably laggy in at least some aspects of technological comprehension. How annoying, you think. It'…
"trolo" has too many letters, hope this helps
No, pointing out the obvious would be something like, "You have opinions firmly grounded in reality, and are devastatingly handsome and well endowed"
That just means you have atrocious taste in a medium flooded with better choices, which is simply terrible
An xkcd defender calling anyone else lame
Yes, you are...I'm with you in that minority. I think Android's stock interface is just absolutely clownshoes and that the cohesiveness that Sense brings does a lot to enhance the experience.
And a blind pig in the hand saves the mouth #somefolksmaketagstoolong #itsyou
I've found over the years that it's a valuable resource, full of useful information. #somefolksmaketagstoolong #itsyou
The second thing you quoted contains no errors. A comma is not necessary to have it make sense. The first line does need tweaking. Anyway, #corrections