"PenTile technology [...] uses a two subpixels instead of three to theoretically cut down on power consumption"
"PenTile technology [...] uses a two subpixels instead of three to theoretically cut down on power consumption"
I've seen statements to that effectpresented with the caveat that further study was required to determine whether the results were tied to the wine or to the fact that people who drink in moderation on a regular basis also tend to be more affluent, allowing them better access to regular medical care.
If that's not enough, you can consider practical applications like fitting in one seat on an airplane, or climbing a flight of stairs without having an asthma attack. Goforth and be healthy!
Gingerbread was 2.3, that's officially for phones. Honeycomb was a tablet-only release, number 3.0. Ice Cream Sandwich is 4.0 and is once again for phones—I think it's also appropriate for tablets, at least to a greater extent than 2.3 is. Might be wrong on that last detail.
Super disappointed that it's not a clamshell. I know, I know...it's an obsolete form factor. Don't care. There's just something about flippin' a phone open that feels right.
The world's little girls can deal with this but when scientists find out that ponies are actually an elaborate illusion all hell is going to break loose.
No, threats don't work. Remember that whole Arab Spring thing? Happened this year, was a pretty big deal. Libya's finally settling down, bit by bit—they're the ones who took up arms against their oppressive government and gave the bossman the boot. Meanwhile Egypt, which hypothetically forced change through…
~$80k/year before taxes and not including benefits working in a GIS-related field. Care to make another guess? I support this movement not because of myself and my needs, but because others deserve a better standard of living. As a conservative you're utterly divorced from notions of social justice outside anything…
So do you actually want to address any of the points I made (obviously not, because you're a dirt-ignorant conservative)
Let's see, point by point:
*shrug* Then this will fall by the wayside in a few weeks as people get bored, and society will continue marching in lockstep in the direction it has been. If they want results they need to do it by damaging either the persons they claim are the source of the problem or those persons' property. Sitting around…
1. If wealth were not finite it wouldn't be wealth. Kind of a by-definition thing we're looking at here. I really don't know where you were trying to take this. Wrongville, I guess. That's cool.
Hi no don't slap your hand with your face. I raised you better than that.
This isn't going to accomplish shit. The very wealthy have already convinced most people that the way things are is the way they should be (look at the comments here, ugh). If OWS wants to get something done they need to turn violent.
What do you do when you start running low on munitions and fuel?
I use Subsonic to stream my music from my home computer, and I watch Netflix on the train. Usually I'm between 4.2 and 4.5 GB per month. I don't think that's unusual behavior...why have a smartphone if you're not going to use it?
I am willing to be lied to! They can just stick the charge under the comfortably vague "processing," where I'll just grit my teeth and deal, because that's the world we live in. :'C
Additional fees are... mostly whatever. They're shitty, but they aren't going away, so there's no sense in complaining. The one that leaves me wanting to skullfuck whoever it was that initially thought of it is the charge to print a ticket at home. Four dollars? Are you fucking kidding me? Why am I paying a fee…
I had a Google+ account. I used my initials rather than my real name (as if Google didn't know that already anyway). Google suspended my account. I deleted it and sent them an email telling them to go fuck themselves.