
In 1996, they got "jacked up" and had their "bell rung". They knew they could blow out a knee, but the long term brain damage was only starting to be even acknowledged then — and not by the NFL for another decade and a half. Turner, Ted Johnson, Duerson, Tasker, these guys were the first wave we even paid attention

Bet wrong.

It's amazing that you were basically refuted in real time.

"I thought at the time that the NFL was really taking it on the chin and I thought, 'why not offer my chin too'?" - JD & The Straight Shot, Behind the Music, 2016

Still don't know what makes that particularly "African" and not "human"

Walmart gets a ton of crap from slave labor, burger king wants to incorporate in canada to avoid corporate taxes, Bank of America defrauds homeowners and takes their houses, Enron ran a criminal fraud and manipulated energy prices, AIG practically crippled the global financial system by selling scam derivatives. You

The kid was acting lippy and got what was coming to him.

"Sorry daddy" — the kid @ Twitter

They are only concussing a few dozen women, but thousands of kids.

Yeah, unlike upstanding American businesses like Enron, AIG, Bears and Stearns, Bank of America, Wal-Mart and Burger King. Good Jesus.

Not like the upstanding Americans on Wall St, like AIG, Bank of America or Bernie Madoff!

So saying an African is an untrustworthy counterfeit con artist because he's African isn't that racist? What context could that possibly have in basketball skills anyway? His "storefront" (skills) leads to a black market in back (crossover dribble?)?

You are a total asshole. She probably, sensibly, thought that while this was all weird and scary it was in good fun. Part of the deal for playing D1 soccer. Certainly, I wouldn't have assumed my teammates and coaches were sociopaths. Similarly, those who are killed by drunk drivers should have had better sense than to

"deprivation to her Constitutional right to bodily integrity"

Rice ranked (updated):

I'm not saying Stephen A. Smith deserves abuse, but he could have taken some precautions before provoking everyone.

How do you think change happens at this level? You absolutely go after the NFL to prove a point. What it sounds like is that you are worried about the league more than the issue. Otherwise, NOW is clearly right to make a giant fucking deal out of it. "Bullying", Jesus.

I didn't know concussions were transmittable.

Tax free? "Friends" worked at restaurants? God, people like you are entirely the problem. Stop bitching about taxes and support a higher minimum wage or move to Somalia, asshole.

The Chiefs, eh?