
So grateful to everybody reading and engaging with this piece, there are some really strong points being made (both for and against its central thesis) down here. One thing I wish I’d made a little clearer in my text, though: I don’t object to V because they’re a blank player avatar—I like a blank player avatar just

I’m still relatively early in the game, just hit the stakes part and met Johnny, but V is an interesting choice of a MC, especially after all the effort to give him/her three backgrounds. I think that a core problem is, and naturally I’m about to go in to spoilers, in the first hours in the game we are introduced to

I just fundamentally can’t accept the premise of this movie, in which Stewart is the blonde and Davis the brunette.

Messy is right.  And yes to every question you had--but I especially wondered why Christine had so many followers doing her bidding.  Huh?  Where were they before?  I know their town was supported by her father but would they still follow her?

lol lol yes it was so cringey, didn’t know what the fuck the boxing match in the salt circle was with the ghosts either. Also I loved the writers with Yahima were like “we were trying to show how Montrose is oppressed but also an oppressor, we handled it poorly”. It’s like hmm don’t blame this on Montrose, this was

Atticus sacrificing himself

Yeah I felt like half the little plotlines in this episode were just casually thrown in there without much of a care, felt a bit convoluted. 

“Montrose still killed Yahima, but we’ll ignore that.”

This show has some really powerful individual moments, but it never coheres as a whole. Like, apparently this was all building up to Atticus sacrificing himself? That really does not feel like a natural culmination of what came before. The final scene is a confrontation between Dee and Christina, who barely interacted

Well that was messy. At several points I kept thinking, where are we, why are we doing this and why are we going there? What was the deal with the baptism? Spiritual faith is pretty much sidelined in Lovecraft Country. Oh look Ji-Ah. Stick around gal, we may need to use your snake eyes to jumper cable the counter

Yeah I had real fear for Montrose when he and Tic were at the portal waiting and they framed him directly in front of the window. Hollywood loves a stray bullet moment just when people start to reconcile and I’m glad the writers didn’t go that way. It would have been melodramatic and wasteful. 

This was a somber and incredible episode. Being a queer black man on the other end of a father’s intent to protect his son from being gay...seeing that on the screen brought back so many much trauma. I’ve never felt so seen, so hurt, so moved. I cannot forgive anything that Montrose has done - but I

I cracked up when one of the creepy dancers broke the 4th wall and stuck her tongue out at us. 

It was so eerie to see the curse the white policeman put on Diana was the caricature of black girls made by white men. The images of the black tropes spy on her - from the ad on the wall to Uncle Tom’s Cabin book. And then she is followed by monsters only she can see.

That was the creepiest episode yet. Those two little girls will now share a space with Karen Black from Trilogy of Terror in my head.

For all that the show centers on the difficulty of being black and traveling in the 1950s, this show has some serious lapses when it come to time and distance in the United States in the mid-1950s.

I really wish I liked this show as much as the reviewer and some of the people here. I am seeing that the underlying themes are often beautiful and very much worth putting out into the world. But as the show has gone on I have found its general plotting to be sub-par, the pacing off kilter and the tone hard to pin

Did you also notice that “George Freeman” (aka Uncle George) was the author displayed on the book?

lol Atticus is fast as hell if he ran all the way to the observatory to punch those cops. 

HBO before “we didn’t give ghost a proper send off or even ever show him cause big CGI dogs are spensive”