
The years-long time jump didn’t work for me, as the principal characters were still in their moods from last episode and hadn’t sorted their issues out. (And every time there’s a time jump, there’s time-wasting exposition.) Sure, I guess Rhaenyra would find it hard to get over her father marrying her best friend, but

the king seems content in his marriage (to, I will stress once again, an underage girl)

I object to Jenna’s description of the final battle as thrilling — everything about it was totally obvious and not shot in an interesting enough way to make up for that. This is my biggest complaint about this show so far: it just seems like box-ticking and moving pieces into place.

Oh shush, Epic are fine and have one of the best game engines in the business.

Someone else pointed out (possibly on this very website - I don’t remember where I saw the remark) that there’s an odious double standard when it comes to cheating in movies: when a man cheats on his wife that’s inexcusable, but when a woman cheats on her husband it’s OK provided it’s with a woman/non-binary person

that Kat scene with the social media self love gurus was such an amazing concept, executed poorly. It could have been so much more biting. Barbie is a really great actress though.

In season one, Kat offered one of the most realistic depictions of a Gen Z teenager.”

The 16 year old who is fin-domming on a cam site is “one of the most realistic depictions of a Gen Z teenager?”

I had a similar reaction when Roman leaned on Kendall’s back like he did. It was the most human thing I’ve seen him do and it make me tear up that he’s actually got human emotions when needed. (Other than fear of his father, that is.)

On the contrary, this is the best season the show has had. Fucking bangers, each episode has been.

I think you might be watching a different show than the rest of us. The good news is, it’s not like someone’s holding a gun to your head*you’re totally free to just change the channel/website and watch something else.

Come on. We gotta shout out Alan Ruck. He is constantly benched on the show, and he plays that need for recognition so beautifully. It feels like we all undervalue his work on the show, and this episode gives him a great ending to his season arc.

Kendall’s confession broke me. Afterwards when Shiv asked him where he wanted to wait and he said “Can I be with you guys?” Reader, I wept. My god. The way this show mines genuine humanity from such utterly irredeemable characters is like nothing I’ve ever seen.

Boy, Shiv sure did live to regret that toast, huh?

I mean, Queen of Hell does seem to imply villain as part of the job description.

I loved that nobody cared that Dorian died. 

best episode of sabrina ever? only being slightly facetious. watched this with my sister and we spent the whole episode making eye contact before bursting into laughs. idk — glad this show got to do it’s messy thing until the very end. definitely a remnant of a different netflix “era.”

The plotting is so busy this year, and every character seems to be part of three storylines simultaneously from scene to scene (was the incubus subplot really necessary? It didn’t really amount to much). It’s a strange way to fill the (way too lengthy) screen time, especially when elsewhere there are logical leaps

They were all briefed, including Dorian, about the existence of a cosmic being whose whole schtick is wanting to be invited into things. Why were they then so cavalier about turning strangers away at the wedding? It’s a witch wedding at an abandoned church on the outskirts of town, how many wedding crashers did they

Somehow, I can’t help but continue to hate watch this show. I find a lot of it goofy and frustrating. Shame on me I guess.