
Was it is as solid as the first? No. But I have no regrets spending Sunday Nights with a show that delivered such fine performances, most especially Kidman and Streep. Just watching the cast work their magic even during some bumpy narrative issues, was always and consistently rewarding. And that in no small part to

big little payoff

See also: “Boy bye.”

I agree with Kayla that it was nice to have an episode that felt like it had a clear focus and direction again. But yeah some of the tone stuff felt off—Elektra in full villain mode with the hammer was just so cartoony, especially after we saw how upset she was about Candy just last week (I was glad that someone from

I have to admit I know that Solid Gold ‘90 was full on satire--and I loved it--but the All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You, even for an unaired TV pilot, involving two men together for a 1990 TV show pushed the boundaries of reality even in the heightened Pose world for me.  Though I enjoyed it :P

Diaries only exist in TV dramas to be read by the worst person at the worst time, so obviously S2 is going to end with Nathan accidentally reading Bonnie’s diary on the can like Hank Schrader.

What I realized is that season one worked because it focused on the women and their lives with the crime being in the background. Season two focuses on the crime with the women and their lives being in the background so it comes off very law and order-y with just way better actors.

As a lawyer, I have to add that this episode was ALL over the map in quality. It initially felt like they got procedure down a bit. But holy shit was that cross examination improper. Her lawyer was garbage but the judge should have shut him down at least five times. The murder accusation stuff never comes in, the

The kids do know what’s up.

This. Stranger Things is, at its heart, actually a 1980s movie, so in that context, if you put yourself in a Reaganesque 1985 mindset, then a fear of the Ruskies infiltrating America like this is totally plausible. In 1985, we didn’t know about Chernobyl, the Berlin Wall, or how terrible New Coke actually was. Sure,

Because it’s a homage to Red Dawn, which was also a movie filled with Russians and Americans doing absolutely impossible things.

I question how it’s possible that the Soviet government would be able to build a top secret facility to open a gateway to another dimension along with the military and scientific personnel required to maintain such a facility smack dab in the middle of the US without anyone noticing.


If there ends up being a scene where those rats tear into that hyena pack of journalists, saving Busey dude for last and the most grim feasting, I think I’ll stand up and applaud!

This review reads like you think the show owes you an apology for last season and is trying to make amends.  It doesn’t and it isn’t.

1. Oliver isn’t dead, and I don’t know why you’d think he would be since all the torture David did was on the mind-scape and not actual physical torture. In fact, the show was pretty clear in the finale of season 2 that he and Melanie are in the astral plane, recovering.

Holy Aubrey Plaza! That royal blue body suit gave me the vapors.

Also not addressed, what Syd did to her stepfather was just as bad.

That opening segment might be the strangest on this show. And considering the show, that’s saying something.

Woo! Feed that fuck to the pigs!