Oh my stars, Team Mariah was a bloody painful mess. Not one single solitary thing about that worked at all.
Oh my stars, Team Mariah was a bloody painful mess. Not one single solitary thing about that worked at all.
Nina absolutely deserved her win for her leadership, improv skills, and stunning runway. That said, Yvie once again stole the runway show. That jelly look elicited a raucous cheer from the bar I was watching from. I mean... in Denver, but still, she’s proving herself to be the queen to look out for.
Dear lord Archie owns a gym, now we’re guaranteed completely insufferable boxing scenes in EVERY episode. So awful.
Thank god for Penny, “This is incredibly helpful fan dragon pregnancy porn”
“You’ll give me a gym for practically no reason, no strings attached? Pinky swear you won’t try to kill me again? Cool. Sounds legit, and not at all like something that will bite me in the ass within an episode or two”.
I really liked Alice’s confrontation with her mum. It’s not healthy by any means, it hasn’t magically fixed itself either, but she loves her and wouldn’t ever betray her. Alice needed that “no matter how hard you fall, I’ll always have your back” right now.
Luke Perry’s remaining scenes are all going to have an elegiac feeling to them, but his appearance here was particularly so, as almost all of his lines have a resonance that obviously couldn’t have been anticipated when the scene was filmed.
Magicians Corner: Judith Hoag is great at playing television’s worst mom (at least among the subset that aren’t doing anything to their children that could get them arrested).
Its likely to be someone who is already dead that Penny knows or Alt Penny. He is in Secrets taken to the grave. So it may be someone who is already dead. Like his Traveler Mentor who killed himself taking his secrets to the grave.
This is why I find Veronica utterly insufferable at this point. Well summarized. I used to be embarrassed for smug Veronica, now I just think she’s an asshole that can’t accept she’s an idiot.
Watching sheep in wolves’ clothing fight each other is not exciting. It is especially not exciting to see Saya and Maria fight each other over Marcus, which is what the story really is. Anybody seriously interested in killing picks someplace off campus, because, just like Chico. Less supervision, element of surprise,…
I’ve been looking for where everyone was talking about the magicians. The 4 of us have much to discuss
Jughead: “We need something to give our street gang moral purpose and keep us on the right side of the law.” So, after all this time, including being born into the life, he STILL doesn’t understand how street gangs work? Also, is “professional snitches” a moral purpose? Also, how is FP allowed to give anyone school…
They’re hitting their experimental episodes out of the park. The musical, a Day in the Life, five stories about magic and now this.
Magicians Corner: It speaks to just what a deep bench this show has in terms of acting that they can build an episode where our main characters only appear fleetingly so that characters ranging from supporting to fleeting and peripheral can take center stage and the performances are still rock solid. And it was nice…
The lady on the plane was doing that thing that you do when you know you’re going to die -- Sam was telling her not to do that thing because they were going to be fine.
Nothing to wonder -- Sam called him “Dad” and he referred to himself as Duke’s grandpa
So Duke is seeing ghosts now or what?
“Debra, drink your wine.”