
Seriously. More Magicians coverage please.

Couple of notes:

So a bunch of student assassins take a road trip to Vegas (with murder in mind for two of them) and Maria is the ONLY one who thinks to bring a weapon?

That was really goddamn well executed. I’ve similarly been curious to see how faithful this was going to turn out, considering the (mostly positive) deviations the show’s been making - I’m excited to see it taking up The Expanse’s mantle of truly loving adaptation, which, hmm, may have something to do with both shows’

My take away from this episode is that Jughead on Riverdale needs to do more drugs. It’ll help make him tolerable whenever he starts monologing.

Oh my stars, that acting challenge was terrible. Not the girls’ fault, either: the writing was just so meh.

Yeah, I very much disagree with this rating because this was a boring as hell episode. Like, scripted acting challenges are almost always a scattering of cringey puns or references that fall flat, and the acting can be an absolute train wreck (Shakesqueer)...but even compared to the last several this one was just DULL.

The Pretty Poisons is a really horrible gang name. Hopefully that plot, if it doesn’t just get forgotten entirely by the writing staff, ends with getting Toni back into the Serpents.

Honestly, at this point, all I want to see is an episode 30 Rock style of the Riverdale’s writers room as they put together the season and the episodes. And then the follow-up production people.

Imagine how heartbreaking the Kevin/Moose stuff could have been if the show invested literally any amount of time and development into them. Hell their courtship begun in the very first ep and yet not a single minute in 3 seasons was given to them.

There’s a very, very good reason why up until this point queens have voted purely based on record (or in the case of Rolaskatox in AS2, quietly voted strategically in an alliance)... Because they were all smart enough to know that the moment you cut down an undeserving queen, their fans will hound you to the ends of

Let me save you all some time. This is a VERY LONG “review” which is actually 98% some guy being a jerk about the franchise while simultaneously free associating memories of the prior games he admitted he intentionally wrote negative reviews of just for the hype. Halfway through reading this you’ll just be puzzled as t

I enjoyed this episode more than the pilot, which was a huge info dump and raced through things very quickly. I watched this episode twice because it also had a lot, but there was more meat as far as potential plot is concerned and a few breathable moments which made it nice. I’ve never read the comic, so I’m

I love that this show just unapologetically throws a couple of 27 year-old women in there as the hot high school chicks.

*watches in quiet amusement as irony flies over Hector’s head*

Interesting! I think the Devon character nailed it when she called out the redhead for exploiting the blue collar workers at the man camp as props for her bullshit art performance piece. Total disconnect from how the rest of the world needs to work to earn a living.

Esther Zuckerman makes the worthwhile point, which is backed up by the show itself, that privilege is the underpinning for the existence of Marfa. I live down the road from this place, but I fail to visit very often as it feels unwelcoming to regular west Texans who neither know nor care to know the shibboleths. I

Another cockamamie premise that Amazon is trying to shove down our throats.

And Chris Kraus sounds like a German pattern.