
Here’s a crazy thought; Her body, her choice?

I like the comparison as a “real life Stormfront”, with the addition of her having failed miserably in even that miserable role.

I realize Megyn Kelly has been through some shit that nobody should have to endure, but you would think that would make her more sympathetic to what other women have to go through. In short, fuck Megyn Kelly sideways with a lunchbox.

People who behave like this are miserable; some serious internal agony, if that helps. They can perform happiness and satisfaction but they can’t be alone with themselves very long. Karma knows where she lives. Very often they sabatoge themselves because they go too far. Trump has been storming down that path since he

So Kelly talks shit, and Moriarty’s the one who has to leave, because Kelly is basically a real life Stormfront (in that Kelly doesn’t have “fans” so much as she has “an army”) that will make social media unbearable for Moriarty.

I’d like to hear from her Megynecologist.

“I got them talking about me again! It isn’t over yet!” — Mygyn Kylly

Yes and no. That would be on Trump but even though any sane person knows that Trump’s legions of morons do whatever he says, including trying to kill his perceived enemies, it’s really hard to prove causation in a legal sense. It’s like January 6...Trump can claim that he just says stuff; if people choose to follow

Intelligent-funny. Not dumb-funny. Like watching a genius have a total meltdown over the issue of sucking dick. Hyper-analytical and preposterously poetic, self-justifying ruminations about blowing the boyfriend. Covers just about every angle that might have occurred to you about the deed. Jacqueline is the

That was perfection

I hate that rotten mango with the power of a thousand crackheads.

The GOP, maybe. His base already blew all their savings paying for his legal fees and that chandelier over the toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

Glancing at the top photo as I was scrolling by this article, I immediately had two thoughts: a) she’s cute, and b) this is a character/screen-cap from the latest “Mean Girls” movie.

Since they cannot be trusted to do much of anything honorably/honestly, I actually think we SHOULD require them to be in person for as many votes as possible. They already use mental gymnastics to defend their positions and they do as much as possible to obfuscate when caught in a lie or called out for hypocrisy. May

Technology has evolved to the point that there should be no rule against voting remotely. It actually makes voting more fair for everyone, here’s why:

But in a 2021 interview with One America News as a candidate,

I’ve been saying for quite some time that she’s a lunatic; glad that sentiment is spreading!

Yes because what we really need during this particular election is leftist infighting from people who are laser focused on Gaza and nothing else

Exactly. Barbie is a comedy. It’s not fair to judge it by obvious Oscar bait standards like Killers or Oppenheimer. It can be exhausting watching the same human suffering films. There are equally great stories to be told of human life outside of war, holocaust, slavery, genocide, HIV/AIDs, homophobia etc. I think

Can I get a slideshow of people’s comments complaining about slideshows?