Leaving this here:
Leaving this here:
Who would’ve thought high prices, stagnating wages, and extremely long-term vehicle loans to bridge the gap would contribute to a chill in the market!?
My nuanced take: Ferrari is overstepping their bounds but I, also, would not want to be associated with those nasty-ass shoes.
What’s german for “Stockholm syndrome”?
like the Civic and Accord? Or do you mean the Outback? The Tacoma?
It looks kind of like Alf.
Imagine all the coal that could be rolled in a diesel truck called the DongBang. There would literally be Truknutz everywhere.
Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?
Hal Holbrook was the real MVP.
That bus is a sad monument to a sad story.
They all come with manuals. The problem is that they are in the glovebox and start off with explained how to get the car out of Park.
*Cut to shot of me and David Tracy moving to a geopolitically unstable nation, getting a posse of Jalops together, and starting an off-road club*
i sure hope Toyota is being generously compensated for the use of it’s ip and it’s brand marketing implications.
100%. I feel like compositors have the most thankless job of all VFX artists (maybe 2nd only to color graders). The general public doesn’t know what a compositor is. If they do their job right, they aren’t noticed—if they do it wrong CG is blamed. But those guys and girls work miracles. They are the ones that MAKE …
Machine Learning can’t accept the challenge until it learns how to hand off a beer.
Well, sure. You were a regular. ;)
Look man if I am tending bar and some chick with a full beard saddles up I am not carding her and she's probably going to drink for free.
They don’t have to serve you, and (protected classes aside) they don’t have to have a good reason. Considering the penalty for being wrong, a bartender should definitely set their Spider-Sense bar higher than the law’s. If I must err one way or the other, I’d much rather deny an of-age person than serve an underage…
I find it odd that somebody would feel strongly enough about this to write a letter