
Billy Joel is the autoplay Farmers Insurance ad of rock radio.

Tried that on myself and now I’m a teenager. Help.

For the same money, you could have this Bentley Flying Spur...

Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.

Sure. How hard can it be to hire 48,000 new employees at once, and then train them to build cars?

Anyone else notice the phrase bone-us vs bonus?

She’s still asleep.  :D

I'm looking for the pun... Where's your pun? What have you done with $kay?!



People are also keeping their vehicles longer, because the cost of the new ones have gotten so freaking high. I'm still driving my 13 year old truck, because a new one is going to cost me literally double what this one cost me when it was new.

Damnit. I want this. To me this thing is cooler then any 6+ figure car I’ve ever seen (in person or in print). I never felt bad that I couldn’t afford the latest Ferrari quatrofolienflameblowupanello or whatever but the want for this thing right here is emanating from deep within my loins.

This is likely the biggest mistake I’ve ever made on Kinja, but god help me, here I go.

Tire pressure must have been off.

I saw it,but thought this was climbing out of the car...

Guaranteed that cologne and that beer are the same product in different packages.

A while ago, I watched the movie Geostorm and was very disappointed to find that the main character did not drive a Geo Storm. In fact, not a single character in the movie drove a Geo of any sort. I didn’t even see any in the background. This makes me sad.

I mean, the E39 M5 still took a lot of work to keep on the road. That 400k M5 is an incredible outlier. It’s certainly far more impressive than the million mile Lexus.

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.