Carlos Bacco

I had some success running old programs I wrote many years ago with DosBox. Even ones that used special video card instructions worked well. Perhaps it worth a look. There’s a fork that works well with printers too.

“AdBlock Plus - I can’t believe it wasn’t in the list.”


Even with ounces (if you say “1 ounce this” “1 1/2 ounce that”) I can understand, but when you mix two units, can’t avoid math (that’s the problem that SI solves, you change scale only). Also I find interesting things like “one hundred (100) per cent (100)“ :D

I find your article very useful. The only “complaint” is that comparing grams with ounces requires extra conversion work for me, outside USA.

You can name it anything like

I have a pencil!

It seems that proton flag does nothing now.

“keep your favorite look from 2007" This isn’t related to “favorite look”. Changes need to be useful and have a real reason. Better if they explain why the change. In this case we are talking about a huge waste in screen space, with apparent zero benefit (at least for desktop users). Compact mode is not working well

Why is it so difficult for billionaire tech companies to not simply leave the existing UI alone and add a toggle for new UI choices?

Register your own @domain, it will help future transitions.

Every time I read “Penske” I’m reminded of “11 foot 8".

That on the first picture is not an “ancient PC”, it’s an Amiga (a platform far superior from PCs for a long time then). Funny fact, regarding the article: when the circuit of PC mice die, they still could be used on Amigas if the optics are ok (with some rewiring), because Amigas do the mice chip function internally.

Please, update the article to warn that excess of D vitamin is harmful also, not only lack of it. Vitamin D keeps stored in our bodies for a considerable time, and when excess symtoms appear, it’s too late to fix it easily. Unassisted suplementation is dangerous.

Also, you can remove the footer and another items in the config section and/or URL parameters

No one deserves a star!

Pop Eyes”.  What were you expecting?

I did it in 2010, no regrets.

A little help for readers not familiar with map projections:

Btw, nice avatar, I was sad that GN was so underrated in 80's, glad that it changed somewhat today .