Carlos Bacco

Totaly agreed, one the reasons why I brought the subject to light.

Any additional information is welcome. When dealing with privacy, knowing how things work is far more useful than “just believing” that it works :D

Besides the warning, is there any advantage of using it instead of the built-in option to block external images?

Just guessing:

Can you provide the link to a high-res version? I want to print it, and I’m afraid this one will pixelate.

Is it made from real brazilians?

Is it made from real brazilians?

Well. In this case Fire Fly is an appropriate nickname.

Here’s your star. Corruption + apathy sums it all. And people that try to do something are labeled troublemakers even in small subjects.

Electric needs infrastructure. Not our case. We are a rich country, but corruption is everywhere.

Another guy from Brazil here (long-time Giz commenter, and that’s my real name). Came to say almost the same, glad you did it already.

I don’t miss Win 7.

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This is an excellent free tool to customize your mouse buttons:

Glad I did the test, the soil is wonderful here.

I’m admired that people still use Acrobat Reader, when we have Sumatra and other good “slim” tools to do the job.

Not supported in my browser. No, I won’t download another spyware just to see it. I’ll wait. ;)

As the author is from Pencil-vania, I can understand the motivation and the dedication on the subject to produce such elaborate article.

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