Different strokes for different boats.
Different strokes for different boats.
I don’t think that they realize how being the “first love” is nice, but ultimately dooms them to being a starter brand aimed at teenagers. VS is probably a lot of people’s first loves- their first glimpses as a kid of what being a sexy, grown woman might look like, their first sneaky thong bought with pocket money and…
No one here is your teacher. Educate yourself somewhere else.
Their comment is like a racism apologist bingo card. I think I got bingo, like, one paragraph in.
Yeah, everything you said is pretty much wrong.
She seems like she comes from one of those families where one of the kids thinks it would be great fun to tip over headstones.
Because she, like most of her thirsty ilk are cowards and don’t realize that it’s all fun and games to act like a tough-ass online, but the moment they realize that they might honestly catch some hands IRL for their shit or lose a advertiser or ten, then the easiest thing to do is to run for it until whatever PR…
This is the damn sad reality of our society.
Taking a break from shoplifting without consequences ....
Wanna be cash me on the ousside girl. People are so starved for attention. One, how stupid are you to film yourself defacing PUBLIC property. Two, how miserable a fuck are you to deface a mural of someone, you likely didn’t know and probably never listened to? What? For clicks and likes.
And only men can change this. But first they’d have to acknowledge the problem honestly, and then they’d have to possess the desire to change it. So...in other words, it’s never going to change.
I have a first date scheduled tonight and, like, this story is seriously taking the joy out of it. To traverse the world as a black woman, letting your guard down at any time, feels so hard sometimes. I really wish Jassy’s life hadn’t ended this way. My heart hurts...
Why? Like, just why?
This video is unfortunately missing the part that had me cheering. Rosario Dawson’s heel drop finisher:
It’s hard AF, let me tell you THAT.
Um, not well. There are moments of solace and happiness but over all it’s terror dome shit show. I don’t speak for all. I am just speaking for myself. I sometimes watch this scene to cheer me up.
How on Earth do black women even deal??
As far as humanity (meaning The Imperium) hating all aliens, it’s really just part of the official state religion. It is mainly arrogance, in that the church truly believes Humanity alone is the greatest race and has a divine mandate to rule the galaxy.
Yes, humanity has bread themselves as xenophobic over the past many thousands of years—really since the Dark Age of Technology. Their leaders (the Imperium, and in essence the Inquisition and the Lords controlling most of the various arms of the Imperium) do not believe in cooperation with alien species. To them, all…