BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

In case you were wondering if Dave Chappelle has gone full asshole, yeah, he’s apparently willing to pull all his investments out of a town if poor people move there.

As a middle-aged Scotsman who grew up watching their comedy, I am unexpectedly excited at the thought of French & Saunders being reunited on the big screen. Low wattage? Pish!

Thank you for that articulate and clear statement. Here is my rebuttal:

No, it doesn’t.

Well, Awkwafina isnt actively “doing” anything, she is just talking how she has learned to talk over the course of her life. She isnt imitating anything, thats...just how she talks. She is just a new target for people to be angry at.

I definitely consider myself liberal/left, but I often find myself pretty disgusted by how much discourse on the left sounds oddly like it’s promoting separation of the races. 

I mean, not really?

As an aside, I found the gore in Hellraiser II to be a lot more unsettling. I’m mostly desensitized to body horror because a part of me always knows it’s just practical effects. But the scene where that one guy mutilates himself with a straight razor was just so realistically bloody that I had to look away.

The Ultimate Edition is like $13 on Xbox too. 

“...fairly long with a lot of SLOW walking...”

It’s not particularly fun, nor scary, but it is fairly long with a lot of walking, and there are pixels indeed. Some of the music is nice. I guess what I’m saying is that I also played it out of curiosity, and I can say that if you don’t happen to finish on time, finishing it on youtube will probably be at least as

Oh man, the Wikipedia page for this thing is a thrill ride all on its own. At the very least, I’d watch a Fyre Festival-style documentary about the production.

To be fair to the film, though, that scene where Louis XIV holds a press conference rambling about the curative effects of ground-up mermaid injected directly into the body now looks weirdly prescient.

Vincent D’Onofrio is Kingpin and previously Thor.

Marshala Ali:  Cottonmouth, Prowler, and Blade. 

Kathryn Hahn is hot on his heels.

My roommate asked me when I thought unvaccinated people (that is, people who could get vaccinated and simply chose not to) could return to cons, like when there will be a place for them. I said, without missing a beat, never. Fuck ‘em. I mean certainly not as long as people are in hospitals sick and dying.

It is hard not to react to posts like this with pure rage, because people with your attitude have basically stolen two years of my life at this point. The USA has the highest number of infections and the highest number of deaths in the entire world, and we’re close to the highest number of deaths per capita. Yes, we

Imagine the average person. Middle of the road. Normal Person.

I think there’s something to the old G4's complicity in this and marketing to these kinds of shitheads. Austin Creed joked about this in the reunion special—G4 wasn’t perfect. Its hosts were of a certain hue, its programming (especially after Comcast made them go full Spike TV) was for a certain demographic. And in

Good on her for tearing into a long-growing cancer on the G4 fanbase.