BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

You may recall Jay from this particular Sarah Silverman skit:

Does it bother anyone else that David Aja’s art on the Hawkeye miniseries seems to be the basis for every piece of promotional material for this show, and he hasn’t seen a dime for it? Pay artists. Disney. PAY ARTISTS.

Can you believe that they made Captain America into a movie before this?


Fun Fact: When Swordsman died in the comics, a sentient Space Tree reanimated his corpse so that he could marry Mantis, who was Swordsman’s girlfriend, so that they could fuck and she could give birth to Space Tree Jesus...

“wrightstuff76 CLAPS BACK against ScottyEnn in EXPLOSIVE social media post.”

“You people?”

Am... am I Twitter famous now? Is this what Twitter fame feels like?

Anyway, Feige’s two-stepping around controversy continued as he said he’s “all for amicable solutions” when it came to the ScarJo suit. Giving a milquetoast soundbite is Feige’s superpower.

It was clumsily-worded, certainly, but to describe the Shang-Chi thing as a “controversy” seems like a bit of a stretch. 

There is no Shang-Chi controversy he just got in his feelings over misunderstanding a quote and is too embarrassed to admit that he’s wrong despite seemingly everyone else understanding the initial quote.

Asked to comment on the “Changing the ‘Captain America Twitter Avatar to Captain Carter” controversy, Feige said, “What in the Goddamned hell are you talking about?”

There was no way to misinterpret the tweet. Liu comes off as a tad over dramatic to me.

He doesn’t understand our ‘ways’ in this dimension.

Fucking Connor.

It probably doesn’t say anything good about society that I read this and thought “So, he didn’t, like, grope or molest anyone? Okay, not bad."

I get what you’re saying. But I’ve grown tired of the directional punching thing. Who gets to decide which way is up? Couldn’t one say that liberal orthodoxy in Hollywood is powerful, and if you punch it, you’re punching up? I don’t know.

I like when South Park satirizes the beliefs of others.

“He named his swollen toe ‘Madame’ and she talks with a French accent.”

You are thinking of King of the Hill