BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

I know I’m nobody but you are the most consistent sour berry on all the pokemon posts in the past forever years.

Agreed but I don’t wanna fuck up your 69 stars

OMG that tiny Issun!

I’m assuming it’s for the DX version of Amaterasu. If you’re gonna spend 50 bucks on her, might as well pitch in the extra 20 for the Glaive and Rosary 


I’ve been taking this time to really dig back into my record collection and it’s been helping me maintain my sanity. Added bonus, I’ve got dozens if not hundreds of records that my wife has never heard before so maybe it’ll get her into some cool bands she’s unfamiliar with. 

How are those? I bought the collection for Xbox like 8 years or something ago and haven’t touched them. Is it a lot of cut scenes like the MGS games?

The one plus of all the eggs is that the things you could craft were worth a ton of bells. I must have made 30 of those wooden egg lamps.

I would love to talk about Dark Souls. And congrats! Did you finish the DLC as well? Cause I got stuck on that and still haven’t gone back.

I don’t have any major life-tips right now but could I please be let out of the greys for when the time comes for me to contribute something noteworthy?

Seriously. He took one for the team on this.

Since it wasn’t mentioned, Rumble in the Bronx

I’m angry that our Primary isn’t until the end of goddamned April so now I’ll never get a chance to vote for her.

Rats, I sold the cards along with the Happy Home game last my beloved Blue Bear will never come to my town!

Well it looks like you ain’t getting invited to my Depends party then!

Two questions: Does it utilize the touch screen? Unfortunately most of the first-party switch games don’t which is a huge bummer when navigating menus...and did they talk about Amiibo support? I still have a few from the original batch and it’d be nice to actually do something with them.

I’ve gotta say, I really like stuff like this in MW. Too many people that play these games are so effin intense about it so it’s fun to pick up a gun that has a silly charm or equip a watch like this to counteract the edgelord rage of some [MAGA] tag jerk calling people names over their headset. 

Yup, you just described me and nope, don’t feel bad about it.

Came here specifically for this .gif. Was not disappointed.

What is that electric Pokémon statue?! I must have it!!