BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

A rich asshole clock is still right twice a day.
Scarjo is owed money along with everyone else who was depending on those box office sales.
She’s just the loudest voice, but this doesn’t start or end with her. 

Don’t think of it as a potential win for SJ, think of it as a potential L for Disney.

He’s still here because the rent to occupy the inside of your head is free.

Like Frank Costanza, he stops short!

It reads like this Beryl_Fitzlegrint is drafting up their racist equivalent of the text on a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s.

Lol, what?

I used to have the same issue. I found this handy memory trick helps.

Let’s not forget Melissa McCarthy, who appears earlier in the segment as the roommate of the guy Jay Mohr and Scott Wolf are cheating on each other with.

“Amway was a completely different distributor!”

And then there’s the Family fucking Circus, bottom right corner, just waiting to suck.

Yep. It’s a hit piece just to be a hit piece. The Gates Foundation has been investing a _lot_ of money into things that have the potential to improve quality of life for a lot of people. Drinking water, electric power, all sorts of things.

Yeah, not knowing what the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is, is not something to brag about. It’s one of the best charities in the world. They’ve done more the near eradication of malaria than any government or charity in the world.

Ok poke a little fun at Bill Gates the geek, sure, but to pretend the Gates Foundation does nothing is lazy writing.

This. Whatever he’s like personally, his foundation - which, Jesus, Jezebel, do some research before you casually dismiss the Gates Foundation - has done an incredible amount to transform living conditions in the developing world.

Is the rule now that you are just as bad as the worst person you've ever met or been acquainted with? This whole "THIS PERSON SPENT TIME IN EPSTEIN'S PRESENCE, OMG WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT!" Is pretty dumb and I bet nobody would like if they were judged by the worst person they've ever met...

Is there really a need to shit on Bill Gates? I’ve seen enough of it from right wing sources and now this one too?

It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.

I don’t listen to her, either, but it doesn’t bother me for other people to like her music. It’s funny when people feel the need to make sure everyone knows they don’t like something. It’s like, ok, who cares? It’s even more funny when it’s not enough for someone to say that they don’t like something - they need to

If we’ve learned anything, America is a nation that respects young and attractive women, and have a profound understanding of boundaries and appropriate behavior. I’m sure it will all work out splendidly, and the focus will remain on her work, and not her appearance. 

Victim points? What the FUCK are you talking about, man?