BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

I promise you they will call Moonves “complicated” or “not without his flaws.”

According to the New York Times obituary, plenty of people saw her as a “callous climber”, so it’s safe to say that she was never going to be able to behave “correctly”.

Greetings. I am Not A Gay. But I am a Good Friend of The Gays.

Hear hear! Me and a friend would watch it over the phone every week like it was the freakin’ ‘90s, and for days couldn’t stop talking like them.

I only saw a couple of episodes, but they were hysterical.  The one that sticks in my head is the episode where two of the characters started their own clothing store, I think it was baby clothing that teens were wearing or something like that.  One of them had a shirt that said “I Pooped”, and I about lost it.  I’ll

Oh no, because they brought him BACK to SNL and he did some stupid made up bullshit skit about learning his lesson.  

Let’s face it, cancel culture is really what we used to refer to as consequences.

We're not supposed to. 

We’ll have a meeting and I can tell if she’s hurt by something, like I’ve wounded her personally. That doesn’t happen with Les Moonves at CBS.’’

If she was all business and emotionless, she would have been branded as a ball busting, robotic man eater. Women can’t win.

Happy Endings should have had Friends-level success.

You missed out then. ME3 multiplayer was all the fun of the game’s combat in 15~30 minute increments. They kept adding new races/class combinations that would change up how rounds played.

Dude, for real! ME3 Multi was a defining point in my multiplayer gaming back in 2012-ish. It actually is my top multiplayer experience beating out the likes of Halo, Destiny, and the rest. It really was the perfect multiplayer experience and I have so many fond memories of those days.

I don’t think enough people remember how good the ME3 multiplayer was. I haven’t played in years but still remember those maps fondly.

they introduced which basically lets you raise readiness by “depolying” forces to up to 5 missions per day.

Getting stuck on the aside here, but

My favorite Joss Whedon character is the one played by a skinny white woman and her character makes witty comments all the time.

Notice the generic headline. Why not “Guy no one likes tweeted about a film no rational person cares about”

Is Jared Leto playing Heath Ledger’s Joker in the Snyder Cut?

File this under who gives a shit.