BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

Or claiming that a zombie bite is nothing major. “I’ve been bit by dogs and I’m just fine; I’m sure being bit by a two legged moaning dog is pretty much the same thing”.

It was always great, but that one was truly sublime.

It got me every damn time. “Oh look, Jon Hamm!” Boom.

Somebody has said that zombie shows won’t be realistic unless somebody is wading into the zombies screaming “zombies don’t exist and pretending they do is a violation of my rights!” They’re not wrong.

I also liked the runner about introducing a major guest star every season premiere who is then killed off within minutes.

Maybe they did and that’s why it killed almost everyone.

To think how much dumber real life was. Not once did they joke about arguing if the virus was real or how much more important it was to get the economy back up and running.

Hello? Hola? Bonjour? Chinese hello?

kinda meh, and really hurting for an audience”

I’m sure the cat was thrilled to be in a crowded room with a bunch of noisy strangers... and probably fire.

The guy who voluntarily locked his dick in an object that connects to the internet

The guy who voluntarily locked his dick in an object that connects to the internet does not have any wisdom to share.

a liiitle bit different because the people in your scenario are misplacing their anger onto black, brown, and queer folk instead of the politicians that lie, cheat, steal and vote in corporations favor. in randy’s case the only people hurting (and really, to them, tis but a flesh wound) are billionaires.

Sounds a little like the sentiments I heard from the very few Trump supporters in my circles. They were so tired of being passive-aggressively fucked by the status quo that some dark part of them was willing to buy in to impossible/incoherent promises (remember when people could buy homes and support a family on a

I’m right here with you!

Also GameStop stock being the revolutionary catalyst exposing the system for the sham it always appeared to be is...*millennial chef’s kiss*

I’m tickled that this is the second sinister “Dottie” Marvel tv has given us.

So, the big villain of WandaVision?

You don’t like it, leave. I can go out there tonight with the materials you’ve got and make myself $15,000. Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can YOU? Go and do likewise.