
Spoiler: Europe doesn’t have the same racial demographics and history that you do. Europeans tend to lump most brown and black people together.

You literally can’t imagine that the rest of us, when we lose control, don’t have a racist slur queued up and ready to go. That’s kind of sad.

What a heartwarming story and a real lesson to everyone. That lesson? The real heroes... are the needlessly rich. Get the fuck out with that shit.

Put him on your shoulder and you have a Stand.

He literally said he was talking about its meaning ‘in his day’. His day was in the 80's, maybe at most the 70's. At that point awesome already had the meaning and use it has today. Even at that point people were complaining about how the word meant nothing anymore due to overuse, as if they were acting out the ‘nice’

Filthy Dutchman.

SWAT 2 did this fairly interestingly though with real time action, as I remember. There was an element of fairness to everything in that game which could make it unintentionally difficult - one mission started with a hostage situation in a bank. The NPC robbers have the option at the beginning of the mission to set

Classy stuff, taking out the word ‘modern’ from my text so that you can tell me a bunch of stuff I already knew and pretend that you’re contributing. We’re not talking about Grimm’s Law here, we’re talking about language change in the era of print and mass media. This is language change that comes from Webster’s,

A) NdGT wasn’t actually talking about the word itself, he was talking about the low bar for appreciation he thinks an easily entertained generation has; B) anybody who has 12 million followers and goes on Twitter to tell people to start using ‘methinks’ again is obviously trying to evolve the English language. The

This is the single dumbest argument that can be trotted out when somebody is trying to influence the evolution of language. Obviously he’s more aware of it than you.

Get the fuck out of here with that. If you don’t love him at his insufferably pedantic, you don’t get him at his popularizing science and raising awareness of the actual physical world.

Well. They also have to do the thing where they go in the lanes and use the commanders and shoot the monsters or whatnot.

Now playing

And this is the show his parents were watching:

I consider myself a Pro at Loom, and am none of those things.

Not if your boss uses it to question your work record or the sick days you’ve taken by checking how many days you’ve logged on Into the breach.

What a terrific character Syd is: “Remember that time you were kidnapped by a brainmonster? And then that other time you were kidnapped by a UFO? Well, I just wonder how long it will be until you disappear again? You seem to make a habit of it.” I guess this is what it sounds like when Mario and Peach hang out.

It’s great how that article presents the tweets out of order to make the con look even worse... but then forgets to remove the date and time stamps :) literally writing “apparently it didn’t take” and then quoting a tweet from one day earlier 

“Magic of cupcakes transforms 19 year old customer into young girl verging on child; similarly transforms 20 year old other customer into grown ass woman who should know better.”