
Haha, what a bunch of doofuses. Now let’s scroll over to the men’s internet and see what we have been up... uh... oh... oh god. Hang them? Seriously? Oh god.

But do they have crafting?

“But when I asked its famously auteurist creator, Jonathan Blow, if he was proud of it, he balked. “This is one of those human psychology things I don’t understand,” he said. “Am I ‘proud’ of the game? I don’t know what that means.” Hmm... yeah, that does sound famously auteristic.

I sleep well at night in the knowledge that the worst thing the president of the United States can do to this world is delete some emails.

Same here. For one I am not German, and for two, I will never speak to any grandkids I might end up having.

I forget what I thought this site was about, but I guess this is it.

Unlike Jesus, these chickens very literally died for our sins, including gluttony and pandering entertainment.

I tried to ask many teens about why they were on my lawn, only to be blocked or ignored.” 

The Sexy Brutale is a great game, it’s just (apparently) a shitty port. And I think you’d be wrong to assume people have “so much faith” in ports.

“People buy physical copies for a REASON.” Uh... what is that reason, again? Asking for a friend. 

Freedhoff is ridiculously mistaken. The words ‘Bran’, ‘Blueberry’, ‘Oat’, ‘Flax’ imply health, they don’t infer it.

“The guiding tenant is try not to push them”... yeah, I don’t think he said that.

all I know is fear-based information.” That’s what you get with a fear-based curriculum: the fundamental four c’s, Counting, Cowering, Crying, and Cluelessness.

Ever since it was rebranded “harsher interrogation apologia” apparently.

Oh you guys! You got me for a second there!

Also, living people should be haunting ghosts.

Andrei Rise of the Dark Spark

Finally somebody will be able to flesh out the rich back story that was unexplored in

No, but please keep trying to paint the issue as incredibly, unsolvably divisive, because that will help ensure that it stays political theater rather than political action!