
Most legal gun owners (upwards of 77%) are in favor of tighter gun control measures such as background checks for private sales and preventing the mentally ill from being able to buy guns. If congress represented the people instead of the gun lobby, something would get done.

Because it doesn’t have spicy chicken and stir fried vegetables. Duh.

Was that a chem trail?! No, wait, I think he just farted.

.... if you ignore the mono-tooth the $500 job gave him.

If he’d said “they weren’t the greatest musicians”, that would be different. They weren’t horrible. The girl next door to me is learning the drums.... she’s horrible.

I wouldn’t categorize any of them as “horrible”.

Old guy, funny... it never occurred to me while watching the video that, for younger people, this is a new thing. It’s a plotter, but it’s a sub $500 plotter that seams like it can use any pen. That’s pretty cool.

No, it looks like the Sonoran Desert! Either that or I live on Mars. One or the other.

California Politician is ‘Outraged’ at Elon Musk’s ‘Terribly Insensitive’ Flamethrower Sees Way To Get Name In The Media

I’m not a conservative, I’m liberal. And I agree with you more than the jackboot left. I have not yet gone crazy in any meaningful way.

Yeah, it looks intimidating, but you put this thing on the battlefield and it would be annihilated. Leave the death machines to the blood thirsty scientists in the States. Japan needs to stick to what they’re good at... LOVE BOTS!

Star Wars movies don’t have to be good. You will go give them your money regardless and will not blaspheme the holy after.

If either of those events were depicted, you’d have a point.

The usage of addictive substances is a symptom of unhappiness, not a cause of unhappiness.

I’ve only ever smelt lutefisk, but that was enough for me to get behind the idea of deporting it. And to show I’m not racist, I’m Scottish... and Haggis can go too.

Is there anywhere to see the video of what lead up to the moment in question?

Without which Bond films would have been very, very, very short.

I never said it wasn’t cool. :D

Yeah, the whole clandestine maneuver of installing malicious software followed by a fireworks show that spectacularly announces that something’s very wrong seems a bit counter intuitive.

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