My money at this point is on a blend of religious motives with workplace revenge. America, we truly are the melting pot!
My money at this point is on a blend of religious motives with workplace revenge. America, we truly are the melting pot!
“that the movie was really about fascism and militarism" ... That wasn't readily apparent to some? Kind of hard to miss it.
That’s a generalization and I don’t think it’s true. I’m a white guy, and myself and white guys I know aren’t racists. We don’t think it’s fair when a minority gets something just because of their race, and we also don’t think it’s fair when a minority doesn’t get something because of their race. Racial issues are…
Laverne Cox as Frank-N-Furter, Yes!
For a TV version of the movie? No.
By the guy who directed Highschool Musical? Uh, no no no no no.
You don't get it man! The Empire doesn't care about pilot comfort, so yeah, it's small. The empire also doesn't care if its pilots get ball cancer, so yeah everything is crammed under the seat. And yes, their ion engines are complete different than ours, and they don't require a lot of space and do produce a lot of…
Yeah, that's probably why Gawker did a whimsical article on it's estimated cost rather than Jane's Information Group doing an actual cost breakdown.
Remember when Giz did a story on how much it would cost to build the Star Trek Enterprise? Doing the math, we gave the banks enough funds in the bailout to build forty-five Enterprises. That’s what I think about when I hear about how we can’t afford to finance NASA this or NASA that. Our government’s priorities is…
Why? Because I'm NOT FILMING?!?!
Yeah, if they release that Roger Waters the Wall concert movie on disc or digital, I’m buying it. Until then I need to rely on YouTube to show people that yes he does open the show by crashing a WWII German fighter into the stage!
It's not quite the same thing, but here's a life hack... went to a concert with my sister, half the people around us were capturing it with their phones. My sister wondered if she should grab a video, I responded why bother? The next day we went on YouTube and searched the concert, venue, and section we were in, and…
You (I’m sure you have) ever go to It’s a site that compares cameras. I like how they breakdown the point and shoot market: Compact (think cheap and small), Zoom (those ones with the big optical zooms), and Pro-Digicam (ones with professional features and manual controls). I used that site when I…
You (I’m sure you have) ever go to It’s a site that compares cameras. I like how they breakdown the…
Thanks, and yeah those were a couple of the first shots I took with it, I was very happy with how it performed. It's a Canon G15. I think there are newer versions of it now.
Thanks, and yeah those were a couple of the first shots I took with it, I was very happy with how it performed. It's…
I took both of these with my point and shoot. The first one I was able to get nice bokeh, the second one was taken at ISO 1600 in a dark club with ambient light.
I took both of these with my point and shoot. The first one I was able to get nice bokeh, the second one was taken…
Yeah, I tend to agree. My thoughts are you can get an interesting photo with any camera. I have my smartphone, a pro-digicam style point and shoot, and a DSLR. I don't carry the point and shoot with me everywhere, but it is always in my computer bag. I use the point and shoot in circumstances where the DSLR is too…
Yeah, I tend to agree. My thoughts are you can get an interesting photo with any camera. I have my smartphone, a…
Disclaimer: not a smart ass reply. I see the main advantages of a quality point and shoot to be better glass, bigger better sensor, and optical zoom. What are your thoughts on why that doesn't outclass a smartphone?
Disclaimer: not a smart ass reply. I see the main advantages of a quality point and shoot to be better glass, bigger…
It’s worth noting that TWA was aquired by American Airlines in 2001, so in a way, he’s flying his usual. :)
Have two DSLR bodies, always have one on set and the other in the freezer. That’s how it’s done son.
Sometimes stereotyping is accurate though, we all know this guy hangs out at independent coffee shops and listens to Mumford and Sons.
I would so much prefer you guys make money off guiding us to really cool and useful tech than by posting those interstitial ads.
I would so much prefer you guys make money off guiding us to really cool and useful tech than by posting those…
If we keep condemning people for expressing themselves, how will the rest of us know who the assholes are? Political correctness sucks.