Mojo Hanna

Every camera crew needs an enforcer on board just for these occasions. Someone who looks like a bystander who can settle matters and not leave the crew/company liable.

Given his obvious lack of mental cognition he was really upset because he thought this was a ‘black’ hurricane caused by black people. Now if it had been a ‘white’ hurricane this would not have happened cos the reporter would have been white. Sounds crazy, but these people are not normal rational humans.

ivermectin probably works really well for Rand Paul since he's a horse's ass.

“They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.” — Bizarro Rand Paul

Oh, the Causacity of it all.

Wallace does a pretty good Alex Jones impression.

Simple assault? Wouldn't attempted murder make more sense with the shooting and ramming with a truck.

The attack might’ve made more sense if the teens had been trespassing

I wouldn’t shove it there

You know, Gulfport isn’t REALLY Mississippi. I mean it’s IN MISSISSIPPI, Trent Lott & the rest of the money grubbers CLAIM it for Mississippi. But it’s not really Mississippi. It’s “redneck Riviera” Alabama that the dumbfucks couldn’t find a valid excuse to draw a map to claim it for Alabama.

“He handled it perfect.”

That’s the problem, their pension is always protected. That’s the only thing that will make them stop abusing people. As long as tax payers foot the bill, they don’t care.

I wonder how they’re going to explain his actions as “completely justified” and he “fear for his life”? I’ve lost total faith in cops getting the punishment they deserve.

I like how Craig Melvin got his Pop voice on like he was about to take off his belt, “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey”. LOL

Motherfucker needs to lose his job and his pension.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Sending your peeps all the good vibes

Oh good another poor white man with “mental health issues” we need to feel sorry for. How about go fuck yourself. I mean with each passing day white people show they couldn’t handle being anything other than white.

Welcome to racism layer 2.  As soon as you show any anger or retributive feelings, you're downgraded from "thieving minority" to "violent minority" and immediately subject to a different and more scary form of abuse.  So on top of being descriminated upon, you spend your whole time forcing your emotions into a box so