Mojo Hanna

remember that during World War 2"

I also firmly believe that if a white person drops the N word, hard R or not, The Purge horn should sound and all bets are off for 10 minutes

“And here come the greys with 1st amendment…”

Well, see, it’s because he’s a Nazi. Even tho they would have thrown his crippled ass into the Sparta pit.

Did she think she was still on storm front or something? Where is this bitch hanging out that slurs are just part of casual conversation? 

When I was a youngster I was a master of playing the dozens. 9/10 times it was fun banter and we knew how far to take it without it becoming too much and life was good. Then HE moved on the block, a new kid that had to prove himself (I don’t blame him for that) and he made me the target, BIG mistake. Every time we’d

The problem is there is no correlative word for white people that contains the history or scorn and hatred for Blacks that the n word does. We can make stuff up, but there’s no word going back to 1619 that insults white people like that.

“The Sacramento City Unified School Board was horrified to learn that a teacher at a school in our district used racist language in the classroom,” the school board said in a statement. “Our Board condemns racism and the use of racist language in the strongest terms. Racism, racist behaviors, and racist language are

Can they find a teacher to un-teach everything this woman ever taught?

They’re not tired of his lies. They’d be happy to continue sowing the seeds of mistruths as long as it didn’t cost them more than it made them. Before, the ledger came in overwhelmingly on the positive side. Now it’s running on the negative side, so it’s time to jettison that asset that’s become a liability.

Faux News is most definitely *not* tired of Trump’s lies.  This is literally the least they could do, and it was 100% motivated by not being sued for spreading these lies themselves.  

They aren’t sick of Trump’s lies. This is their version of “don’t place this over your head” warnings you see on plastic bags.   It’s just making sure you are not liable for the actions of a moron. 

The network did this in order to not be sued. It is no different from cutting off the My Pillow Guy when he was ranting. Fox knows how to play the damn game; they have been running their bullshit propaganda since its inception. This network could not exist without Ronald Reagan’s removal of the fairness doctrine. 

So when fat ass decides to run again in 2024 will Fox News call out his bullshit then or will they revert to the fawning fan boys they have always been? Hell hopefully by then Fox News will be gone.

“This thing I’d never heard of before last week is POISONOUSLY DIVISIVE because whenever people like me hear about it we shit our pants and blame the skidmarks on The Left!” - Marc Huitt, certified fuck-knuckle.

The tree of white supremacy needs the soil of bigotry in order to grow.

Ohio is racist.  It's always been.  That's all I got.

They definitely knew. When u share the same ideals they dont seem radical at all

LOL. Weird how RWNJs all about free enterprise and business rights until things don’t go their way.

Says the person who’s posts are full of spelling and grammar errors.
You’re dumb.