
Oh, my bad, I thought I read somewhere that there were stillborns and that he'd kill the babies that were born, not just forcing miscarriages. But you're right there's no way he would have known the sex before the birth or while in the womb. It just seems odd that after going through all that trouble to make sure

Rebel Wilson!

I keep thinking, when this guy goes to prison, that the system will still treat him better than he ever treated those women and that little girl. He'll have time to go outside, have all his meals provided, etc. It's not fair, but i guess its "justice."

Yeah that would be horrible for both you and that child. That's another reason why i decided not to have one. For me i feel like it would be an almost certainty that I would change my mind after having one. But that's what i mean, i still feel like a person should have a 100% feeling that they do want a child before

Yeah, that's is also one of the things that contributed to my decision. Like, i know i'm not a bad person, that i can be sweet, and nurturing and i can offer a child many things. But i just know deep down, i don't want to be a mother, and everything that comes with that just does not appeal to me.

Well the most important thing is to make sure you do what's best for you. Based on personal experience, you may encounter people who say very ignorant, rude, maybe even hurtful things about you not wanting to have kids, but you just have to trust your own knowledge and feelings about your personal decision.

I just watched it again on their site and finally got to see the whole thing. i think my connection gave out after Peggy's last scene, that's why i was so confused. It's the second last scene on of the ep. Too bad i read the reviews and got spoiled on it thinking i had watched the whole episode. Btw, Tte dark haired

Yeah! i just realized. Was watching it on AMC online and my connection must have given out cause it stopped after Peggy's last scene. Thank you!

Which scene preceded the one where Don cheats? I don't remember seeing that at all during the episode. Was it just implied? Or did they show it and I totally missed it?

Maybe it's trimethylaminuria...

Given that this is based on a well known play, would it be a spoiler if I said what happens in the end?

"'s FRIDAY LIVE PIE!"—-Hahaha! I honestly can't remember laughing this much during SNL promos. I also would love to think anytime he does something embarrassing he refers to himself in third person, "...I'm thinking to myself, 'you're forgetting something JT!'"—So good!

" Sigh, imagine a life that's just hanging out, drinking wine and making movies at Joss Whedon's house all of the time...—Seriously!!

Yeah i agree, just because they are feminists and majorly adored by the public does not mean that they should be pardoned of criticism. I just still don't believe the joke had any hint or tone of slut-shaming. HOWEVER, it could be interpreted in that way by certain people. Take Chelsea Handler for example,

Yah, so belittling sometimes, and sometimes they try to make it personal, and it's kinda funny because they know nothing about you, yet they'll never admit they're wrong. And we just gotta try and keep it on topic somehow...

Yes! I dig civil convos! It's hard to do that in the internet because everything is so anonymous, people can get away with saying anything pretty much.

I agree. Slut-shaming is a big issue, and it contributes greatly to rape culture all over the world. That's why when that term gets thrown around for no good reason it really bothers me, because it distracts from the real effect it has in our society.

Exactly. Also, I love your screen name :)

Yeah, issues like these tend to get really heated here.

Hahaha! Not usually into her acting, but she became my fave person that night because of that. So funny.