I know this is incredibly petty, but I think it would only be poetic justice if Trump stiffed her like so many thousands of others he’s employed over the years. It would serve her right for her cynical opportunism.
I know this is incredibly petty, but I think it would only be poetic justice if Trump stiffed her like so many thousands of others he’s employed over the years. It would serve her right for her cynical opportunism.
Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
I hope Al leaked the tape. If so, he wins everything.
I can’t even count how many comments I’ve read from guys saying that everyone talks about sex and that even women enjoy talking about it. It legit scares me that the concept of consent still flies over men’s heads. What Trump was describing was not consensual.
My favorite Tweet of the year has a similar flavour:
Oh, Ted Cruz. Just when you thought your humiliation was over, things get even worse. You deserve it.
And I looked and beheld a pale man, with skin like the belly of a slug. In his right hand he held a machete, and in his left hand he held the decapitated head of a cheetah from a game reserve in Africa. And lo, his name was Eric.
Demi Lovato is like that obnoxious friend of yours who says shitty things with absolutely no filter and when you call her out on it she just says she’s being *frank* and *honest*.
Don’t forget your 4 necklaces, one made out of silver chain, two made out of hemp and glass beads, and the last one made out of rainbow paper clips.
Fortunately you don’t get to phone a friend in a presidential debate.
Imaging sad Sean Hannity staring at his phone hoping someone would call him gave me LIFE.
Don’t cry. Minorities will save white people from themselves.
Hillary Clinton is probably literally the most scrutinized person in the history of planet. From the number of tell-all books written about her to the congressional investigations to the Citizens United videos to the fact that there is an entire non-profit dedicated to just suing her and her husband non-stop. …
Literally no one is pretending this.
That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.
that’s mean and i feel the same
I’m not sure I like the song, but I’m also not sure why the coach is equating having a higher belt-range with being a better singer. Just because you can sing higher notes louder doesn’t make you objectively sing better than someone with a different range/timbre. Signed, a Bitter Contralto.
30 Dirty Tricks to Heat Up Your Voting Booth! (Hint: at least two involve ice cubes.)
Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.
I am here for Kim and always have been. She is incredibly smart, intuitive, business-savvy, and, above all else, petty. I love it. I have been watching her for years because she is simply amazing and catty. She gave us the takedown of the decade, I still cackle with glee when I think about how stupid Taylor looked.…