
I get you on the “used to be an athlete. now what?” aspect. For me, something that really helped was replicating that team environment and that meant taking classes. I had never gone to the gym before, because all of the exercise I was doing in school was sport related, so I wasn’t super comfortable at the gym and

Is Donald the new Kylie?

Is your acquaintance a cast member on any of the “Housewives” franchises?!

I have only ever heard that term used in a condescending manner so I would definitely be annoyed if someone said that to me without having built a rapport with them. I should note I’m not southern so it could be a regional thing?

Is JS the new Paula Abdul?! (crosses fingers)

It doesn’t look like this was to make an artistic statement this looks like it was to make money for posing partially nude with STRANGERS. Even if it was to make a statement is it right to do this with a toddler? Where random people can touch them or take photos of them to do God knows what with? Why not use a doll to

Tell that to the 250lb dude sitting in the chair next to me getting a pedicure!

If she’s so focused on the future why is she rocking 60s/70s throwback style and music. Anybody catch her horrible snl performance?

Twinkie Defense to the next level!

Just sayin...

“offered to replace the orders” really wtf?! Shouldn’t they offer to refund and pull the product off the shelves until further testing can be done.

also curious on how they plan on confirming this list? It just sounds like they’re trying to be as unreasonable as possible to scare her away from prosecuting.

What about stories involving asshole or inept co-workers/managers? Public service jobs attract all levels of crazy. From sociopths to idiots who make you seriously wonder how they’ve managed to stay alive long enough to be of legal working age.

they’re pretty much interchangeable, somewhere Ansel is reading Twitter and laughing maniacally

Yeah, Jennifer Garner’s Lifetime movie

This is why I always carry sharpened pencils with me when I fly and if I fall asleep you better believe I’m clinging to that shit like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. While probably impractical it makes me feel better and TSA usually don’t hassle the studious

Totally reminded me of that Amy Schumer skit where the women can’t stop apologizing, “sorry but...”

Oh’re neither a woman, a person of color, nor have you ever been nominated for video of the year. I would say it's about time to STFU

I use Seamless on the regs. Only a couple of times have I had to wait longer than the allotted delivery window and even then it was only like 5-10mins over. It mainly depends on the restaurant. I think its much more convenient for stoned weirdos like me who don’t like to ask the person on the phone to repeat the

If only Moses could’ve thrown in “thou shall not be a cunt” for good measure...🙏