now imagine in the conservative dream scenario where the armed teacher now would have to make the decision to shoot a 6 year old student
now imagine in the conservative dream scenario where the armed teacher now would have to make the decision to shoot a 6 year old student
Why wouldn’t they do due diligence and run a query against a hard bounce checker as a stipulation to purchase? I mean shit, an email deliverability report ain’t that hard to do and something you want to do with any email list nowadays for this very reason even if it as large as this.
Someone’s Grandma gets their life savings stolen: Too bad! Personal responsibility!
When I read that, “anti-zealots”, I instantly recognized it as a good phrase.
It adequately describes Remi, without being derogatory. It’s probably even a good middle ground word to describe people that are not necessarily religious but can understand and respect anyone’s decision to practice any particular religion…
What did Mel Gibson do exactly to earn that redemption?
Grigorieva: I don’t, I don’t, I don’t walk around in tight clothes, I stay at home for most of the time.
“Lurking behind Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.):”
“more props to AOC to be able to get that close to Gaetz without getting skeeved out and running.”
Once again her experience as a bartender pays off. Can’t work a public facing job in Union Square without developing a bulletproof douche shield.
Santos is the obvious candidate for Republican Speaker. Who would deny the brave American Civil War veteran who led the US to triumph at Gettysburg?
Shit, more props to AOC to be able to get that close to Gaetz without getting skeeved out and running. I wouldn’t touch the guy with a 10 foot cattle prod.
When I first saw that I was so certain it had to be faked, or a parody account or something. But no, dude really just acts like a 50s movie villain.
Like I legit had to click the link as I couldn’t fathom that he would actually respond with that. Then I spent the next minute laughing and gasping for air when I saw that was literally his response.
ok Andrew
“How dare you!?” Ha, wonder what he actually tweeted... wait, that’s what he ACTUALLY tweeted? My day is officially made. Also, this:
Too bad one of his 33 cars isn’t an ambulance. He’s going to need a ride to the hospital for that 3rd degree burn. 😀
Man, it’s hilarious to see the number of people who come here regularly to read the gossip posts and then complain about them. I can’t imagine anyone spending so much time exposing themselves to things they believe are terrible and unimportant. One has to wonder whether there’s something else going on. A sampling of…
post partum is a totally different ball game. A lot of the pain issues are in for people who have not had children. At one point, I believe doctors were hesitant to even use them in people who had not had children. I think I’ve had 3 or 4 Mirenas. First one was before kids and it hurt (but not like described in this…
I’ve had 2 Mierna IUD insertions and 2 removals. The first was at a PP where I worked at the time. They told me to take 800 mg of Ibuprofen 30 minutes before. I was at work, did as instructed, they called me down and then I got my IUD and went right back to work. I’d classify it as a 6/10 on the discomfort scale, but…
I must be a freak of nature, because I literally felt nothing when I recently had an IUD inserted a few weeks after giving birth. When I told my doctor and the nurse that I had absolutely no pain, they both looked at me like I was crazy, and said, “Really?!”
Prior to the appointment I had taken a double dose of both…