
That’s EXACTLY what that movie about.

I love new stories like this butt for the difficult end.

I wonder if ol‘Phyllis found that Peter opened the Pearly Gates to her only because God, as it turns out, is far more tolerant then she was.

No, I have no questions about this film. The film that bothers the heck out of me it’s the one about the mother who loses her baby at sea and then some other lady finds the baby and then years later the two ladies meet up and she finds out that she has the mourning mother’s baby. What the hell?

He deserved all of the fear and horror that flashed across that last second before he hit the water. All. Of. It. If he’s lucky, he will remember it just before he does another stupid thing.

That’s sad.

She needs to lay off them blueberries, man.

Ahhhhhhellno. That chick Tamra is one empty pot. How can one human being have no soul and no conscience?

My dog is black, so....

My dog Lucy, a rescue, has a more complex view of the world and a deeper sense of humanity than Ramona Singer. Its important you know that Lucy eats the cat’s shit when I’m not looking.

I seem to have piddled.

I wonder if she recognizes how terrifically extraordinary and privileged that is?

His next endorsement will be Westinghouse:

Amazing! Just moments after I saw Matt Lauer’s interview, I ran into Ryan and snapped this photo:

I fell out of my chair on that one, too.

....and you wouldn’t catch me doing THAT either.

PreSCARYous, as they say.

What do you call it when you watch people climb these things like this and you can’t help but fall out of your chair?

Oh my Jesus!

We all know Trump went to Louisiana to help the floods. Now, we all know Bieber was in a restaurant and helped the sads. We. All. Know.