
Pssht.. Sherlock wore that same stupid hat and trenchcoat every single day and no one ever said shit.

You could fuck 5,000 people and never get an STD, just like you can fuck one and get HIV. Don't be an idiot.

And Miles Teller the guy who bullied her. It was like, oh hey, every guy that's played Shailene Woodley's romantic partner.

What about Mary and Mr. Pamuk? As with so much about Downton Abbey, the hanky-panky apparently peaked in Season 1.

I believe she only had two or three lines of dialogue in the whole movie. People can be outraged all they like that she didn't get paid megabucks, but I highly doubt that, say, Elsa's animators got a share of the profits of the film or toy sales either, and they did way more than a day's work on the film.

Gonna have to agree to disagree on the KKK joke. That shit is funny and I don't see how it's racist, it's implying the actual KKK is racist, but that's true and common knowledge so. Just a funny dark joke IMO.

I'm black and I'm failing to see why this is offensive. It's mocking the KKK, not black men. I'm not saying other people cannot take offense, but I am personally not offended. The KKK (and other racist folks) hate white women dating black men. Perhaps possible off white racist, assholes is the only positive Kardashian

People have endlessly been making the Kardashian KKK jokes for a decade now. I believe it was even made on SNL. Seems like everyone else can make the obvious joke but when one of the Kardashians does, oh the horror.

"Body diversity"? Oh please. These are competitive rowers; they're going to be tall and lean with big quads and lats. In my peak competitive rowing years (university and, briefly, national team) top men's eights averaged about 6'5", 200 lb., with very little body fat and freakishly huge lungs. You want body diversity?

Bea Arthur was one of these auxiliaries - she was a Marine Corps truck driver with the rank of Sergent.

Right? We really need to stop propping up these unattainable images. Many people (men and women) do not realize that these "candids" are retouched. Hell, even women here on Jezebel don't realize a lot of the images they see have been pinched, liquefied and plumped in Photoshop (or a surgeons office). I've seen

Yes, in Commonwealth countries as well. Today's services in Ottawa, Canada took on an even more poignant mood as we remember Cpl. Nathan Cirillo of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders of Canada Regiment (Princess Louise's) of the Canadian Army who was murdered in cold blood two weeks ago while standing sentry at the

I think it's legitimate to care about instagram photoshopping when unobtainable bodies in the media cause so many people to develop insecurities (and worse) about their perfectly normal bodies.

You do realize that London was being bombed rather heavily at the time?

I was just going to point that out, so here's another vintage photo.

That's why I can't think anything bad about the Queen. She was the direct heir to the throne and she put herself in danger. That's fantastic.

In the UK (and i think in Commonwealth countries) we celebrate Remembrance day and Armistice Day by wearing red plastic poppies, at the Tower of London they put 888,246 poppies that represents British or Colonial military death during the First World War.

Those nails! That hair!

Remembrance Day, too, observed in a fair number of Commonwealth countries, including Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.