
I mean, I am sympathetic to their desire to disengage, as the British press can be vicious, but I am not sure that moving to LA/Malibu is the way to go about it if you want to lead a quiet life away from the paparazzi. It’s not like the American tabloid press is that much kinder or more polite than the British press.

I’ll never understand how these two became heroic figures. They want to be rich and famous but unencumbered by...formal public service. They want rapt positive attention from the media but expect to be shielded from negative tabloid attention. In fact, they champion the free press up to the point that it

I have no qualms saying much of the opinion-based coverage in particular in the publications listed was bathed in racism but I still think the two might end up regretting somewhat the belief that the British tabloids are “the worst” as there’s still some level of deference towards the Monarchy over here.

Lyra and Will thought that posing as siblings was a perfectly reasonable disguise/lie to any grown-ups who might question them, so yeah, it’s pretty f***ing reasonable to assume he’s white, in a country that’s majority white. Particularly since Will at one point discusses how mean kids can be, and never brings up his

Funniest thing about the showing I went to was the dead silence that greeted the Rise of Skywalker trailer.

I wouldn’t even mind if it inserted a message that said “Comment deleted by OP” or the like.

Why is that not a thing?! Sometimes I have overshare regret or clap back regret and it’s just there forever.

Yeah. Kinja needs a delete option.

Ugh, I wrote something really personal and vulnerable and then thought better of it, but apparently I can’t delete comments, so this sentence is where that paragraph was.

When you have kids sometimes the answer is “Because I said so.”

Just because they throw a tantrum doesn’t mean you’re gonna give them more info, because then they learn that throwing a tantrum is an effective means of getting what they want.

Poe was acting like a child. His first tantrum resulted in the loss of all the

As people have noted this was confirmed as terror attack, with 7 dead and 48 injured, some of them critically. Including the British Transport Police officer who took on the 3 suspects with only his baton. Election campaigning was suspended for today, Sunday, but the PM has said the election will go ahead on Thursday.

Don’t you dare change a hair (that’s left) on that cheeky old man’s head. He’s hilarious, with no fucks given, and adorable with his wife.

Westminster isn’t an English Parliament it is a British one, SNP and PC members sit in there as well. Problem is that you’d have to fund a place for them to sit whilst a new place was built which would cost a lot (would also need to be much bigger than either of two devolved parliaments + offices).

Eh. White women are responsible for a lot of ill that plagues the black community, but I wouldn’t put the repeated mass murder of people by straight white men on them.

How can someone look ‘a British’. Seriously - it sounds like shade to me and I am a Brit. I don’t look like this. This woman doesn’t look specifically British to me and could come from anywhere. It sounds like you are being mean but coded because when Americans says someone looks “so British” they are usually saying

I think you mean IN hospital...

I’m totally ok with opposing opinions. But I’m totally NOT OKAY with being called (direct quote here) “fucking stupid,” which is why you’re last comment was dismissed. That does not add to discourse, whereas your comment here actually does.

As someone who is kind of a royal watcher, let me tell you there are absolutely people out there who haaaaaaate Kate. They claim she (and Will, too) are lazy, claiming they don’t work much (there’s a lot of counting of how many engagements she does versus other royals). There’s a lot of comparing them to Saint Harry.

Giving Jenner a pass on her backward and archaic ideas about gender and “female brains” is bullshit. Just because a lot of other people feel the same way doesn’t make it okay.

I disagree VERY strongly with your take on this. I’m not going to debate it, but I have a feeling my view will be in the minority on this forum. I applauded Burkett’s article and do not think she is in any way “crazy.” I abhor the gender essentialism that Jenner espoused and don’t see her as role model for women