
Totally. This very much depends on the kid. We had a 5 year old with us on my husband's last work retreat (not ours because I actually like to retreat) and we went to a different upscale restaurant every night and she was not a problem. I'm sure most people had no idea. She was eating foie gras and bone marrow. Lol.

For some bars, I'm actually pro-baby. They're often a lot better conversationalists than the regular patrons.

I'm with you on this one. Take them to a family restaurant.

It totally depends on the parent. I have girlfriends who bring their babies to brunch, keep them quiet and fed, and then carry on conversations and drinking as if the baby is not there. That's totally cool! I'll stare at your baby and even help burp it as long as I can drink my mimosa and curse like a sailor.

I really think it all depends on how well your baby can hold their liquor.

In 2008 when I lived in Tampa I use to take my new born to Beef O'Bradys to watch the Rays play because if you're going to live in Florida you should parent like you live in Florida.

When to Take Your Baby to a Bar: Never. Jesus fuck, people, don't have babies if you think you can just carry on your adult life without making any changes or sacrifices.

As a waitress, I'm pretty ambivalent on the whole babies-at-bars issue . . . except at brunch. Do not fucking take your baby to brunch unless it's going to sleep the entire time. Seventy-five percent of the clientele (and ninety-five percent of the waitstaff) are hungover and exhausted. Nobody wants to deal with that

Can't they just drink at home and invite friends over? Do bars even have those bathrooms with the changing tables? Also, what do you do when the music is too loud for your child who is dozing off? I give people who bring a child to a bar the side-eye. There's a reason for the age limit.

I don't mind the *existence* of babies at brunch/bars/restaurants/movies at all, as long as a) you don't expect me to alter my adult behavior, and b) if your baby starts screaming (not crying, but that ear-piercing screaming) you get the fuck out of there and try to calm that heathen down before you rejoin society.



No. You have kids, you forfeit certain things. You want brunch? Go to a family restaurant. That's what they're there for.

I use RTR about twice a year for necessary work functions. Both dresses I rented cost about $38 to rent (shipping included) and were dresses valued at over $400. I can NEVER order clothes online because of my body shape, but RTR has an awesome user base and tons of people contribute photos of themselves in the dress

Rossdale is certainly photographed with Daisy quite a bit to have abandoned her. I'd be more interested in hearing Daisy's take than Pearl's, not that any of this is anyone's business. There are too many self-aggrandizing memoirs out there by people who haven't really done much to warrant it, but in any case, Daisy

It was a secret even to him. It's not even clear that Daisy's mother was necessarily purposely keeping a secret. They slept together once and her husband was a more obvious candidate. Gavin Rossdale is not a good example here.

Many life changes ago, I was a background actor for the movie where Sandra Bullock wears red boots a lot. I was placed right next to her and the 2nd AD kept ordering me around brusquely, maybe a little more harshly than a normal 2nd AD would. He kept calling me "You", which, no big deal. But after the 20th, "Hey you".

I may be wrong, but the line "The kids would constantly call Chris when he was with Jennifer..." read to me that she was having the kids call Chris specifically when he was with Jennifer, which sort of seems like she's using her children to further some kind of personal vendetta, and that doesn't seem super cool from

"Unions dominate, and the employment system revolves around that fact." He's just objectively wrong that it'd be a bad thing if America operated the same way.

Oh yeah. How dare you want to spend x amount of money on a stupid party? Well, unless I'm asking for donations or contributions, it's none of your business. It's ridiculous when people get sanctimonious over these things.