
He should put his Horcrux in "Soul Love."

She wasn't murdered. Her family threatened to kill her, but she got away and her family was prosecuted. I forgot that either Crabbe or Goyle got busted for drug dealing. Still their percentage is much better than Disney and Nickolodeon stars.

JUST READ THIS in the DC metro "Express" paper this morning. Immediately took a pic and sent it to my friends with the caption "FIGHT THE PATRIARCHY, HARRY."

Yeah. Robert Pattinson is whiny as fuck. I mean, I know it was Twilight, but still. KStew sucked it up and defended the franchise, why couldn't her?
Plus, I'm really nettled that he didn't speak up for FKA Twigs when she was/is facing the horrendous racist shitshow.

He was my first celebrity crush (I was 10 in 2001 when HP&TSS came out) and I have loved him ever since.

I did see that. He also said some great things about the concept of the friend zone being gross. Lately whenever I see a quote from him I think, "Dan Radcliffe gets it."

snape and dumbles losing it over a fart noise is my patronus happy memory now

Has everybody seen this already?

I've been so disappointed so many times by favorite celebrities of mine saying dumbass and ignorant things in interviews, it's always an utter delight to see one of Daniel Radcliffe's. PLEASE NEVER DISAPPOINT ME, YOU TINY AWESOME PERSON. *____*

Team Cat Headquarters here,

my cat would bring an end to the universe if she could.

How to train your cat: Observe what your cat likes to do. Pretend that's what you wanted your cat to do. DONE.

My cat has us trained. This is my first cat. I thought this was normal.

My favorite zippy comeback line is one I got from my boss. She was working the till, and chatting with an old lady who comes in to buy vegetables sometimes. Boss says something innocuous, like, "Oh, do you enjoy cooking?" And the old lady says, "Sweetie, when we got married I told my husband to pick one room for me to

In the olden days of High Schools past, I was a meat clerk at a grocery store. We had a very nice, mid-40's woman that worked there, and she had an old guy that would call and pretend to be her husband. We usually just put him on hold and let him wear himself out, but one VERY busy Saturday, I elected to tell

Half the time, that's what I believe, but in this case I think it's genuine - mostly because the relationship confused people and wasn't received that well.

This is like when your friend starts dating a total lame-o and you don't want to say anything because it will turn into this huge "thing" if they end up, like, getting married or whatever, but you're desperately trying to make a telepathic connection with her to let her know she's like 5 status points above him and

Oh, I feel the opposite way: Carol is far more age appropriate. I feel like Beth is age inappropriate but more acceptable as a romantic interest for Daryl, according to Hollywood standards.

NO. No. NO. It ISN'T different. WE'RE FAT. Let's just let the word do its work and be an adjective.

So, much ugh. Just, fuck you, Walmart web coder. Too bad there aren't any "Fat Asshole" costumes to fit over your fatfat, asshole head.