Like that classic Margaret Atwood quote (paraphrased): Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.
Like that classic Margaret Atwood quote (paraphrased): Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.
Men's biggest fear about online dating: a fat chick.
Yes. That was why I said it was "one solid option, not the only legit one".
Okay this part I agree with, though—
As a gamma male I mostly wear the pants. Unless I get angry if that happens I just bust right out of them. I usually like to wear purple pants as that color compliments my slighty greenish skin tone.
Even worse when they expect you to figure out what they want and get passive-aggressive when it's not their way.
100% agree with you. I've never, in all my life, heard a woman refer to a man as a "beta". That's all MRA/PUA language. This guy just wanted Polly to say "you're right, all women want their men to be men" (whatever the fuck that means) and she didn't play along because "men being men" is patriarchal bullshit.
I'm happily married now, but I was in a long-term relationship with a man who was very much like this. I'm not crazy about her terminology here, but being in a relationship with someone who is completely passive about all decision making can be frustrating and difficult, even amongst friends and family members.…
Same here! I put it this way: he's the rower, I'm the rudder. He has all the boundless energy and wants to go do things and eat things and see things, but he hates making the decision. So I do the steering. I pick where we're going, when, etc. It works fine. He motivates me to do fun things and I make sure he actually…
THAT is EXACTLY what I said in my comment too. No conflicted wife wrote that. A man who wanted validation for his warped idea of what all women want did.
I am married to a strong woman like this, and have been called "girly" and "mushy" and been told I'm not a man because I don't conform to the tired manly-man stereotypes.
Calling it: Frustrated Housewife is actually a PUA believer who wrote in hoping for validation of his belief that women who want equality in relationships are actually pushing against thier natural urges, that what they all really want deep down is the kind of in-charge macho man that he tries so unsuccessfully to…
I'm so sick of "nonthreatening" being used as an insult. When's the last time you heard that word used as a compliment? Who the FUCK wants to be threatened?
99% sure that letter wasn't actually written by a woman.
He is so beta, he won't make any decisions or plans or take responsibility for anything. I find myself longing for an alpha man.
"I don't believe for a second that what you really want is an alpha male. Most alpha males are just giant bags of endless insecurity with a lot of defensiveness and anger covering it all up."
If she really feels that way, what she needs to do is head over to her local Stepford country club and find herself a Donald Trump.
In no time he'll be ordering her around to get breast implants, lose weight and clean the house better. If her world view is so facile as to divide people into alpha and beta…
My boyfriend pretty much let's me make decisions. He gives input, of course, but when it comes to some things he let's me take care of myself and make decisions. He's never bossy or pushy (is that being an Alpha?? LOL).
It can take up to 21 days for Ebola to present, and I find it really offensive that a DOCTOR to would be opposed to quarantine during that period. Better safe than sorry, folks.