Yeah, I quite enjoyed City of Bones. Damn that film had a lot of eye candy.
Yeah, I quite enjoyed City of Bones. Damn that film had a lot of eye candy.
J-Law has brought her brothers to awards shows before. She's also had some great fashion moments - but her relationship with Dior mean they choose many of her clothes, and they have a habit of sticking her in haute couture that doesn't flatter her (Lupita has a "model" body, hence she looks good in everything).
And the actor who plays her enemy in Divergent is her boyfriend in The Spectacular Now.
Yup, exactly. Part of Kensington Palace is open to the public and some rooms are also used as government offices, I think they're renovating quite a bit of it.
Yeah, I'm not sure I'd want to move into an asbestos-riddled apartment with dodgy plumbing either!
I gave up clicking on Daily Mail links for Lent. I already feel like a healthier and happier person, even if I'm having to be more imaginative in getting my Royal gossip fix. Jezebel, I suggest you do the same, lest your soul continue to crumble and disintegrate with every repetition of the phrase "flaunted her…
Yeah, "pudding" to Americans seems to mean something like custard. Whereas the British (*cough* CORRECT) use of the word encompasses both being a synonym for dessert, and also savoury stuff.
I can see that an ice dancer would have an advantage, but fitness =/= rhythm. Victoria Pendleton, one of Britain's best cyclists, was on Strictly Come Dancing in 2012 and she was shockingly awful.
I bet he takes his steaks rare, too. He's perfect that way.
Vegan with no alcohol?
My libido has returned to normal, but a year after coming off the Pill my periods are still all over the place - I'll go three months without one, then have two in a month, then a big gap again. Before I went on the Pill I had a regular-as-clockwork 32 day cycle. It really sucks, and I'm too nervous to wear…
Yes, exactly this.
In the UK we learned them using the rhyme "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain". Also an easy way to remember the name of one of the many brutally slaughtered English monarchs.
You may have made yourself gag but you made me LAUGH. A lot.
You're not. And it wouldn't be hard to make a moving speech about Black Beauty the horse because because I'm 23 years old and I still tear up when I read that damn book.
Seconding what ShoePhone said - take her to the sea! I often visit Captiva Island, about 4 hours from Orlando on the gulf coast, and almost never go a day without seeing dolphins and manatees. I bet there are so many places on the Florida coast you could get a ticket for a boat excursion to see dolphins for way less…