No, although other people post on it. If that's the case with someone else I usually just hide them from my newsfeed.
No, although other people post on it. If that's the case with someone else I usually just hide them from my newsfeed.
Blocking is defriending AND blocking that person from seeing your page at all. What you want to do is to defriend the people you don't want to see again, and maybe hide the others from your newsfeed.
Eh - maybe ask them to delete your ex, if you don't like it? I'm friends with all my exes on Facebook (albeit they're on the "limited" list), so it's not like they necessarily consciously chose not to delete them, maybe they just didn't give it a thought.
I wouldn't be at all fussed if that was the case - plenty of people have deleted me that I haven't been bothered by - but she'd stayed friends with almost everyone from our year.
I have happily reconnected with her - but it definitely didn't feel nice, given she stayed friends with 100+ people from school, most of whom she doesn't see, and I got culled.
I guess it depends how you use it. Most of the people I know have 600+ friends on Facebook - obviously we don't interact with them all personally. To me and my friends, unfriending someone seems pretty damn pointed if you still have loads of mutual friends and go to the same parties.
My policy is - am I likely to run into this person in real life and recognise them? If so, I hide them from newsfeed rather than unfriending.
Well, they chickened out of the ending, for one, and they also chickened out of a lot of the religious stuff.
Hmm. I'm not sure, really. It's well known amongst those of us who read a lot of YA, but I have a lot of friends who are really into the Hunger Games but have never heard of it.
Well the point is she's not supposed to be wearing any. Seriously, I know she'd be wearing some make up on film but if you look at about 0.15 on this trailer she looks like I do when I go for a sultry evening look!
That's true, but in the scenes where she's still in grey (e.g. watching the speech on the day they choose their factions) she's still all dolled up.
For a member of a faction that abhors vanity to such an extent that they ban mirrors, Tris sure does wear a looooottt of mascara.
That is what Kate's talking about in the Rimmel ads when she mentions "the London look". Unabashed disdain with a hint of wry amusement. I think Jeremy Paxman holds the patent.
I had dinner on the terrace a few years ago and the food was lovely, although you do sort of get the impression that the building is crumbling around your ears. Which it is.
I'm from the UK and the only engagement pictures I've ever seen were Will & Kate.
Ugh, I can't agree with you there because I thought that film was a travesty. (The "Mrs Darcy" bit at the end of the American version? Vom). That has more to do with the script than dear Keira, though, who seems to be a delight.